Chapter 39

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB 39 English RAW:

In today's era, the film industry has long evolved a variety of ways to watch movies, but many people still choose the most primitive one.

In the anticipation of many people, the beginning of the chapter is that the vast sea of ​​​​stars is rapidly rotating, and one meteor after another is passing in front of you. The sky was spinning, and the camera didn't know which galaxy it had reached, and it was pitch black all around.

The animation is rare and realistic, and the audience seems to be really in the universe, and some people can't help but exclaim.

The child pointed to the starry sky: "Mummy, what's the name of that star?"

The adults looked in the direction of the fingers and saw that the stars gradually solidified and divided into four areas.

She murmured softly: "That... it seems to be the twenty-eight constellations?"

The stars are getting darker, and the lines below are gradually conspicuous. Some are flashing blue light, some are braving red flames, some are swept by flood water, and some are flickering with silver light... With the further intensification of the pattern, the four divine beasts represented by the stars jumped out of the screen, and their shapes were magnificent. The colors are just right. The mythical beasts soared through the air and collided at the last moment.

"Ah!" someone exclaimed.

Then everything on the screen turned to dust, and four large characters bordered with silver appeared.

Constellation Entertainment. Long Teng Feng Xiao still echoed in his ears.

"Niubi, as expected of its own brand, this special effect is absolutely amazing!" Someone in the venue couldn't help but whispered admiration.

"Constellation, it seems that this company's strength is not bad." Someone took it to heart, and subconsciously equated it with a top entertainment company.

The critics nodded approvingly, then ticked off the book.

As soon as the movie jumps, the first act begins.

The warm sun shone in from the window, the primary school scumbag was bored by the teacher, slept for several classes in a row, and no one called him when school was over.

Experts look at the doorway, and experts know that this movie is not bad just by looking at the layout and lighting of the scene.

The boyfriend leaned on his girlfriend's shoulder and yawned tediously.

"Che, school drama? It's boring, how can there be a war movie!"

The girlfriend was different, she was immediately attracted by Bai Ruogu's face, and couldn't help calling her brother.

My boyfriend is sour, and watching movies is even more unpleasant.

He wants to see, what can be seen in this movie.

Zhao Yaya's whole family sat happily in the cinema, and her mother patted Zhao Yaya's shoulder with emotion.

"You little girls like to watch this kind of school drama."

"Mom, it's not a school drama!"

Grandma laughed, "Don't talk about it, as far as I can see, it's quite interesting."

The movie then jumped, and when Hua Xingyuan entered the star-viewing instrument, everyone's eyes lit up.

"This subject is really new enough, and such expensive equipment has never been photographed."

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