Chapter 43

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB 43 RAW:

At night, Bai Ruogu slept with Su Miao in his arms.

The small Q-version doll was held in her arms, her eyes were wide and round, her whole body was stiff, motionless, and her whole body was red.

Want to be soft...but can't!

As a qualified lover, it is his job to sleep with his lover and make his lover sleep comfortably.

According to analysis, the reason why my lover hugs him now is because he likes his appearance. If you are soft, you will go against your lover's wishes!

The little Q version of the doll sticks to his post and is conscientious and responsible. Even if he was caught between his legs or held a bite on his head in the middle of the night, and his saliva soaked on it, he was still meticulous and abide by his duties, his body was stretched straight, and his eyes were looking at the ceiling.

When Bai Ruogu woke up the next day, he thought he would be covered with a dark blue "quilt", but he didn't expect a taut doll on his chest.

Looking at this picture, it seems to maintain this form all night.

This time, Bai Ruogu felt distressed, and hurriedly rubbed him into his arms, coaxing him softly.

"How come it doesn't soften? How uncomfortable it is."

The doll "flickered" with big eyes, "because you like my form."

Bai Ruogu was silent for a while, his eyes became complicated. He sighed and read it out as if he were typing a command, "From now on, you must put your own pleasure first..."

"But if you don't like..."

"You don't have to worry about me, your pleasure comes first, and you will consider other things when you are satisfied."

The indicator light of Zhinao flashed, and a mechanical sound came, "Received, it has been loaded into the system."

Bai Ruogu finished smiling, picked up the doll and kissed a few more. Then I opened Zhinao and planned to customize several doll supplies on Xingwang.

Bai Ruogu is used to being simple and doesn't often buy things. After shopping this time, plus the object is Su Miao, I bought a lot of bits and pieces.

Su Miao watched the data on Xingwang fly up, and the familiar mark looked like Bai Ruogu's information...

He paused for a moment, then took out a large coupon from the bottom of his box and posted it.

Bai Ruogu is about to pay, and the price is displayed on it: 89579632 stars.

Just when he was about to enter the password, the interface jumped, and a big red envelope fell from the sky.

[Congratulations, triggering a large coupon]

Bai Ruogu's eyes lit up, he still has this luck? I don't know if it's five or ten.

He chose to enable it, and the interface numbers dropped rapidly in Bai Ruogu's shock...

[The coupon has already discounted 89579631.99 stars for you, you only need to pay 0.01 stars. ]

Bai Ruogu: ? ? !

At the same moment, a banner was pulled up in the space, and festive music was also played.

[Congratulations, Su Miao, you have achieved the achievement of being thrifty and housekeeping among lovers. ]

Su Miao's expression became like this—

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