Chapter 18

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After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots Chapter 18:

After the filming of this scene, everyone moved the venue to the woods below the cliff.

Staff have installed detectors around the area, which will sound an alarm if a stranger approaches, preventing them from interacting with the Aboriginal people.

While asking people to track down the ghosts in the crew, Li Huai organized staff to arrange the next scene.

The moonlight was hazy, and cicadas chirped occasionally in the quiet night. Under the shadow of the dense leaves, Bai Ruogu sat alone by the lake and played with his brain.

Bai Ruogu's collar was very flat, sitting upright, with a formal expression, as if he was meeting someone.

He slowly opened his mind and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

When the light above the head lit up into the field of vision, Zhinao displayed a mediocre homepage.

Bai Ruogu was obviously prepared, and his purpose was not here.

He cleared his throat, his voice was light and lively, and he asked with a very ordinary look.

"System, are you there?"

The system that everyone used to call Miaohui paused at this moment, and the mechanical sound sounded for a while, but it was a little murky.

"I'm here, my host." After hearing the voice, an invisible guy slowly probed from a space and quietly looked at everything in the outside world.

When he put his eyes on Bai Ruogu, he found that Bai Ruogu's eyes were directly facing him.

Su Miao: !

The operation stayed in place as if stuck, and when he recovered, he quickly retracted his head, revealing only a pair of eyes blinking and blinking.

Bai Ruogu also rubbed his hands crampedly, but at the moment he was like a hairy boy who was obviously pessimistic towards the outside world, dealing with the conversation between him and the system nervously.

One person and one AI froze like this, not knowing how to say the next sentence.

Bai Ruogu is human after all, with rich emotions. He reacted first, and found a topic to break the deadlock.

"You... what do you think of me?"

He thought that his topic was a bit broad, so he added: "... er... It's my current development."

The indicator light of Zhinao flashed, and the voice of analysis was blurted out, but it was blocked by Su Miao in the space.

There was a collision in the space, and it seemed that two kinds of information were fighting.

The principles of the system forced him to tell the truth.

However, his own reason told him that if he said directly: You are a small smashing street, an eighteenth-line star, and your development is extremely backward...

This will definitely reduce Bai Ruogu's favorability to him.

But if he tells lies, he becomes a hypocritical and dishonest system.

Just 0.0001 seconds allowed him to make a choice—

"Hello, my host. You are a very good person with great prospects. Your charm and talent are extremely rare..."

In the face of favorability, hypocrisy is not comparable at all.

Su Miao in the space was expressionless, and when he told a lie, his face was not red or his heart was beating, even though he had no face or heartbeat.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now