Chapter 36

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots 36 MTL:

"36 Days to Survive in the Wilderness" has completely exploded on the star network, and the entertainment, live broadcast, and technology circles have all set off unprecedented popularity.

Who would have thought that an eight-person wilderness survival show had become the only show in Bai Ruogu's infrastructure. The change in the style of this kind of show is really novel, enough to attract the attention of countless people.

Bai Ruogu's popularity rose rapidly, and even some passers-by who had not watched the live broadcast heard Bai Ruogu's name from others.

Due to the high popularity, Bai Ruogu's identity was also dug up. According to people familiar with the matter, Bai Ruogu was born in a famous mecha family.

Some netizens suddenly realized that, no wonder, it turns out that there is family education in the front.

At the same time, "Light Year" was mentioned again in the public eye, and the crew took the opportunity to promote it. Many Bai Ruogu's technology fans said that they must watch the drama played by the big guy.

When the city was built, Bai Ruogu specially signed an agreement with the crew, and when the show was over, everything he created in the show would be donated to the Federal Empire for free.

The director was reluctant at first, but when he thought of Bai Ruogu's importance to the show and their inability to protect the city, he could only agree with gritted teeth.

In the past few days, Bai Ruogu has created a means of transportation.

He first drew the design drawings, and then instructed the rest of the contestants to build and transport the parts. Different from the hands-on work in the previous life, in this life, he can take time off whenever he can, and he spends most of the time resting beside him.

Su Miao was satisfied with this, and even the amount of green peppers was not in large quantities but in moderation.

It was all perfect, but some people are daring...

In the past few days, Su Miao has "openly" changed the program of the kitchen utensils, and Bai Ruogu's food always contains very nutritious ingredients that he does not like to eat.

Everyone eats dinner together, and everyone has their own bowls and chopsticks.

When Bai Ruogu picked up his bowl and saw a lot of green peppers, the corners of his mouth twitched, and under Su Miao's gaze, he obediently picked up his chopsticks and put a piece into his mouth.

weird smell.

He frowned, and smiled meekly at Su Miao again.

Su Miao was satisfied, and the indicator light in the space flashed, becoming an emoji—


Just when all this was going well, a pair of chopsticks stretched out, accompanied by Gus's sweet voice.

"Big brother, don't you like to eat this? I just happen to like it." As he spoke, the pair of chopsticks stretched into Bai Ruogu's bowl in front of everyone's eyes, and took two green peppers. Su Miao was stunned: ? ?

Bai Ruogu:…

Bai Ruogu, who was able to face countless complex data without changing his expression, opened his mouth stupidly at this moment, not knowing what to do next.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now