Chapter 17

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After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots Chapter 17 English:

Bai Ruogu looked up at the modeler above his head, even though he was slightly short-sighted, the faint blue outline was vaguely reflected in his eyes.

He was stunned, keeping his eyes open.

The fingers on the side were lifted and held together. He looked at it for a long time, and slowly the tail of the eyelashes had a subtle crystal.

He opened and closed his lips, just like that, the irresistible crystal glide to the end of his eyes, and the sound of teeth gnashing can be heard in his ears.

The people on the cliff didn't understand the situation, and they were shocked by this scene, staring blankly at the quiet blue modeler below.

The modeler's brain shook, as if thinking about something.

He raised a large palm of his own and slowly landed it in front of Bai Ruogu's eyes, and seemed to sense the emotional fluctuations of the person in his palm, and stretched out his thick fingers like stone pillars to gently press against Bai Ruogu's forehead.

That finger, which was thicker than Bai Ruogu's body, carefully wiped Bai Ruogu's face, as if to comfort him.

-do not be afraid.

Inside Bai Ruogu's eye sockets, where the powder was applied, the complexion gradually turned from normal to reddish.

Bai Ruogu adjusted his breathing and exhaled, and his body slowly relaxed. He covered his heart and lowered his head, his face plunged into shadows.

Su Miao seemed to hear Bai Ruogu's low laughter, he didn't understand the reason, and he couldn't see the other's face.

He folded his palms, clumsily trying to send it up.

Just as he was slowly ascending, he suddenly heard Bai Ruogu lowered his head and asked in a vague tone, "Who are you?"

Su Miao paused, looking at Bai Ruogu's gentle hair with an imperceptible trembling.

"I am your system."

Bai Ruogu's lips wriggled, looking at the blue palm underneath, his eyelids moved, his hand covering his heart tightened even more, and after a pause, his voice was a bit shaky: "Okay, I see."

When Bai Ruogu was sent to the cliff, the modelling person instantly turned into a faint blue light spot and penetrated into Bai Ruogu's brain, and there was no shadow within a moment.

The crew rushed up, holding around Bai Ruogu. Li Huai nervously looked up and down Bai Ruogu, and only after realizing that the other party was intact did he let go of the heart in his throat, and the whole person was out of breath.

When I thought that the modelers just started rustling, I had the energy to discuss.

Li Huai also stuck in the same place in doubt, pointed to the bottom of the cliff and asked with lingering fear: "What was that just now?"

Bai Ruogu lowered his eyes and calmly shrank the arm with the intellectual brain back, trying his best to speak casually, "That's a system, a new technology, but it's rarely used and hasn't been launched yet."

When they thought that the Bai Ruogu family was in the business, everyone put aside some doubts and began to focus on the accident just now.

Thinking of what happened just now, Li Huai scolded a **** and spat to the side, and shouted angrily, "Props! How was this prepared? It's going to kill you, don't you know!"

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now