Chapter 26

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After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB Chapter 26:

Bai Ruogu didn't say much, just patted the boy on the shoulder and smiled with him, then walked towards the school gate.

The boy who was burning incense and worshiping "Master Patriarch" shuddered, looking up at Bai Ruogu's receding back for some reason with an ominous premonition.

He regained his senses and hurriedly continued to worship again.

"The grandfather must bless the disciples and grandchildren. The final exam is about to pass! Please, there are not many disciples and grandchildren as filial and obedient as me."

Bai Ruogu, who just walked a short distance away:. . .


In fact, the play has come to an end, and coming to this planet is just to draw an ending.

The weather was gloomy the next day, but it was the occasion. The venue was cleared long ago, and almost all the crew members were there.

Everything was arranged, but just when they were planning to film, they heard that the emperor of this planet was coming.

They don't belong to the same empire, and they're not that particular about it, just say hello politely to the emperor.

I saw the emperor in civilian clothes, looking in his fifties, full of energy, and a big stature.

He greeted the crew with a smile, and was curious to see that everyone was filming.

"Can I stand and watch for a while?" he asked politely.

How can this not be people's territory?

Li Huai quickly asked the field staff to move a chair, and then the last scene was about to be staged under the gaze of the emperor.

Hua Xingyuan studied hard for a year, and finally was admitted to the best military academy in the Federal Empire!

Hua's father and Hua's mother were very excited, patted the table and asked Hua Xingyuan what reward he wanted.

Hua Xing leaned on the chair far away, and looked up proudly. He pretended to be contemplative and chirped for a long time.

"I want an object."

Before Hua's father could react, Hua's mother suddenly laughed. She patted Hua Xingyuan on the shoulder, "Come on, you already have someone you like, what are you wearing?!"

Father Hua also understood and laughed, "You kid! Forget it, Dad will give you a villa in the sky and an all-round car by sea, land and air. When you get married, you can give people a family."

Hua Xingyuan pretended to be embarrassed and nodded faster than anyone else.

When Hua's father and Hua's mother were gone, he jumped up all of a sudden, and hurried to the Science and Technology Museum without knowing what list he was holding in his hand.

The house and the car are there! There's still work and savings to come!

Wait, we're still a century away from the wedding! It doesn't matter, he will work hard!

He happily ran to the star peeping instrument, just as Ashley was awarded the rank of major general, he ran over and hugged Ashley's waist in the eyes of all the people, and the smile was a happy one.

Everyone can't see him, but that's okay, they'll all know him soon!

He wants to be a good person, worthy of Ashley.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now