Chapter 13

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Read After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB Chapter 13 RAW English:

After resting, Bai Ruogu took the public plane to the Science and Technology Museum.

Under the tall and majestic building, a blue virtual door blocks the entrance, with the words "suspended business" hanging on it.

Bai Ruogu showed his crew proof to the staff, and after passing through, he walked in under the guidance of the guiding robot.

They paid the Science and Technology Museum for two days of turnover, which was exchanged for half a day of filming time.

Walking through the corridors, Bai Ruogu finally saw the crew and equipment.

Everyone came earlier than Bai Ruogu, and began to set up early.

Some actors are wearing makeup. Because of the needs of the scene, Li Huai negotiated with the staff and hoped to make a cameo appearance at that time. The staff also agreed at once, eager to try with a curious and excited heart.

Just as Bai Ruogu put down his belongings, the director happened to see him as well. He first smiled kindly at him, and then let him follow the makeup artist into the dressing room.

Then it was busy for nearly half an hour, and finally everything was ready, and the scene continued to shoot—

Hua Xingyuan brought Xu Mo to the Science and Technology Museum, and as soon as they entered the door, a picture full of science and technology flooded into the two people's field of vision.

The ceiling is like a black bottomless vortex, with many shining stars twinkling on it, and the background is as boundless as the universe, full of mystery. If you ignore other things, it seems that people live in the universe.

The ground is a faint blue like glass, and every step of the foot will have wonderful data emerging and spreading outward, beating non-stop.

There are robots as staff everywhere, and the high-end and novel appearance adds a sense of technology.

Here, Hua Xingyuan, played by Bai Ruogu, showed his due playfulness. As soon as he came in, he began to play and play, messing with the exhibits in the Science and Technology Museum, and even bullying simple little robots...

This series of processes made Li Huai behind the camera laugh and shake his head. He didn't expect that Xiao Bai looked upright and could really let go of acting.

This **** looks like this, it seems that he wants to go up and beat him.

At the same time, Xu Mo, who is a close friend, began to dissuade him, but Hua Xing was far more ignorant than expected. Relying on the wealth of my family, I am swaggering, and I will pay you if I break it at every turn.

Xu Mo, who had been suppressed for a long time, finally broke out. He stood on the spot and grabbed Hua Xingyuan's shoulder and roared.

"Hua Xingyuan, you're enough! Can you **** make a difference? Do you think someone like you would dare to enter the society?!"

Xu Mo looked at Hua Xingyuan, his eyes shimmered, and he gritted his teeth and made a "cluck" sound.

He was about to continue the line and say the next sentence, but Li Huai suddenly called out "card".

They turned their heads and saw Li Huai patted the table with frowning.

"I said Zhang Yuqing, what kind of **** are you playing? What's the difference between that and reciting lines? Does Xu Mo look like this? Remember that you are angry now, and you can't argue with it! And your arm, a fluttering ambassador. Have you done your best? What kind of **** are you playing? Come back!"

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