Chapter 28

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After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots AHAIB Chapter 28 MTL:

The movie was sent for review, and the man's choking could be heard in the bright, bright, high-end office.

"Shit, shit..."

The Smart Brain screen was lit in the air, and there was a lot of used paper on the solid wood table.

The man took out another piece of tissue and wiped his nose carefully, and said with a choked voice, "I'll go to your cookies, go to your love story, and pay for my heart!"

The more I think about it, the more sad...

He wiped away his tears, looked up and pulled out the trailer that was widely circulated on the Internet. He sniffed at the crazy sweet barrage on it, but secretly felt a little more delighted.

He narrowed his red and swollen eyes and said in revenge, "I can't bear this knife alone. Everyone will come and have a taste of it."

He leaned back while thinking, "Hmph, Director Dog, wait for the blade to be sent by the whole empire."

Just when he was about to pass, he saw the star's name.

Bai Ruogu.

He paused, frowned, clenched his hands and knocked on the table, out of breath.

How is he?

The top-level family game has a complex network of people behind it. Someone has explained that the film that encounters Bai Ruogu is directly banned!

He wanted to pass it, but he couldn't afford to offend him... It's not that he couldn't afford to offend, it's just that the loss is too great to outweigh the gain.

The hour hand passed minute by minute, the man leaned on the leather chair for a long time, and finally there was a sigh in the air.

Put your finger in the air, about to aim at the position of the red option.

At this moment, the door was suddenly slammed open, and the man turned his head to see his boss rushing in.

"What's wrong?" he asked quickly, standing up.

The boss was so anxious that he couldn't catch his breath for a long time. He looked up at the interface where the man was still choosing, patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, you didn't refuse, otherwise it would be difficult to tune it out again."

The man finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked his boss, "Did something happen?"

The boss smiled, straightened his waist, and commanded the man in a loud voice.

"There is an order from above, who dares to ban this movie and get out of the federal empire!"

The man's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Above! Who?"

The boss winked his eyes and pointed to the ceiling, "It's the one who went straight to it."

The man took a deep breath and nodded silently.

At the same time, the major theater chains of the Interstellar Federation received news one after another.

The movie "Light Year" must be given the maximum amount of filming, otherwise—


Bai Ruogu didn't wake up until noon. He felt a little pain in his throat and jaw, as if something was stuck.

BL, MTL After having an AI boyfriend, I will never be afraid of sunspotsWhere stories live. Discover now