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He narrowed his eyes as he and Nico Hulkenberg walked toward us. I could see in his eyes that at first he didn't recognized me but as soon as he did his jaw dropped for a moment just to tense up the moment after. Pierre was pretty drunk but I also didn't bother and danced with my arms around his neck.

Charles quickly started a conversation with Nico and they both stepped a few meters away and disappeared into the crowd while Verstappen was coming closer to me and the French, who now seems to recognize the Dutch.

"Hey Max, your girlfriend here really knows how to dance."

Thankfully I smiled at him and didn't even look at Verstappen who was now standing millimeters away from me but behind.

"Graham, what are you doing?"

His tensed voice gave me a feeling of success and I was happy that he wasn't. For this reason and because I was enjoying it too much I pulled closer to Pierre even laid my head on his shoulder for a moment.

"Having fun, where is the problem." I blurred out and inhaled the alcohol scent of myself but especially from the French.

Verstappen snorted behind me and I could visualize how pissed off he was without turning around. I smiled because I found a way to make him mad. All the last weeks, all his comments and looks or the moments were he just didn't cared, that was my payback. 

Unfortunately Pierre had to go to the toilet a little later and I had to let go of him. As the he disappeared in the crowd I turned around to the Dutch, who was still standing there. Maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that I felt something like relieve but my confidence increased second for second.

"What's your problem Verstappen?"

He had to laugh and shook his head while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why are you dancing here with my colleagues, you are my girlfriend."

 Now I was the one laughing and I really enjoyed our conversation. Normally I would never say something as straight forward when I was mad and angry but now I was feeling better and better with every word that left my mouth.

"Suddenly I'm your girlfriend, but for the past few weeks I've been just shit for you to insult and nothing more. You haven't even spoken to me or had a normal conversation with me so what do you want now."

After I said that I wasn't waiting for an answer I just turned around I made my way through the people towards the bar where I found Carlos and Lando. Actually I didn't want to interrupt their conversation and time together because I knew they had something on but I was just mad and needed someone to talk.

"Hey Zoe do you want another drink?" the Spaniard asked me and I nodded in response while looking over the people.

Since the bar was on a small podium I head a great overview over the totally crowed club. My eyes locked with Verstappens for a second, who was standing at the other end of the club and watching me. I gave him a challenging look before turning around and grabbing the drink Carlos handed me.

A little later Pierre came back from the toilet and we chatted together for another hour. Slowly I felt how I was getting tired and when Carlos and Pierre talked about football I leaned to Lando.

"Can we go back, I am so tired."

My head fell on his shoulder and the British man looked concerned down at me. But luckily he wanted also to head back to the hotel so we said good bye to Carlos and Pierre and hugged them quickly. However, I noticed how my friend and the Spaniard put their arms tightly around each other and I had to grin.

Pretending | Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now