4) Dreadful Discoveries

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That night felt like centuries. How were we supposed to do this? Time was clearly not on our side, but had anything ever been? I'll answer for you. No.

"So, Thomas was the only one remotely interested in finding anything out?"Aris asked.

"Yeah. My other friends were still being slintheads,"I muttered.

"I don't know exactly what that is, but I'm guessing it's not positive."

"You're right on point Aris. This is the right one, right?"I asked.

"It is. Let's go."

I pulled the vent out to see Thomas ready to go. Unfortunately, basically every other Glader was awake.

"What are you doing? I said one person,"I hissed.

"We know. That doesn't mean we can't wait up,"Minho shrugged.

"Whatever. Come one Thomas. We're all going to-"
"We?"Newt interrupted. I took a deep calming breath.

"Yes Newt. I've explained this several times. If you would open your ears life would be a lot easier."

"I don't have time for this. Come on Tommy boy. We're on a mission,"I urged.

Thomas didn't say anything as he followed me in. I didn't even bother to shut the vent. It would be fine chilling under the bed. Besides, if I spent one more minute in that room I might suffocate to death.

"What exactly are we looking for?"Thomas asked.

"You'll see it when we get there,"Aris repeated.

"How will we know when we're there?"Thomas asked.

"Trust me. You'll know,"I assured him. I guess assured was the wrong word. This was a horrifying thing to stomach, but
I could tell he wanted to ask more questions. He had the same look on his face he did at Greenie day. Unfortunately, the answers were quite gruesome. In fact, the reality was deadly.

After what felt like an eternity and mere seconds at the same time we were back above the guards. They looked the exact same as last night and probably every other night before that. It sent chills up my spine, and not the good kind. It was their expressions, or more accurately the way they didn't have expressions.

We all hunched over the one vent waiting for those same bodies. We were going to see the kids our age being wheeled away like trash. The worst part was all we could do was watch.

From across the hall the sound of wheels screeching along the floor was heard. I felt frozen in place. Holding my breath in anticipation I kept waiting for it to cross our path.

The sight was just as horrific as last time. Those same gauges and computers giving off other information were there. We had always been experiments because we never truly escaped.

Just like last night the guards walked away in perfect synch. Had they been trained to do that or was it natural to these nut jobs?

"Why didn't you just tell us?"Thomas whispered once the doors slammed shut.

"Seriously? Were you not in the room with me just a second ago? Do you think they'd believe me and some random boy they already hate? No."

"Wait. What did I do?"Aris asked.

"You glanced at me across the cafeteria. They hate anyone they're convinced likes me. It's not actually you. Now what's the plan?"I asked.

"We find out what they do with the bodies."


It was getting so late we were contemplating just turning around when we found some huge white door. It was so far away from our rooms that it has to have something inside it. We simultaneously agreed this was where we needed to be.

Crawling forward we kept going until we came to a drop. Aris was the first one down. The metal was louder than we had thought. 

He took me a hand to hopefully make my descent a bit quieter. It was the wrong time, but his hands were just as nice as last time. We held on for a second longer than needed. Only when Thomas was almost slipping down did we let go.

Aris opened the vent as I helped Thomas down. What was it with them and not securing possible exits? I'm thankful for their idiocy, but how exactly did we get tricked by these people?

As my eyes landed on the room I got the answer to my question. There were the kids that had been chosen. We were wrong about them being dead, but they weren't alive. They were in some kind of in-between.

They were connected to tubes leading to some kind of blue liquid. The room didn't even need lights. This mysterious liquid lit it up for them.

"This is supposed to be the Safe Zone,"I mumbled to myself. If something seems to good to be true it usually is. That Safe Zone they had convinced us was real was a perfect example.

We stuck together as we walked around observing all the kids. At one point I stopped and recognized David and his friend.

My friends had scared off David. He was a  poor innocent boy who was most likely never going to wake up. He had been so kind and seemed like he was funny to. It was a waste of a person. Everyone stuck here was.

From next to me Thomas and Aris had stopped in front of a girl. I glanced over to see Aris's face had dropped into a look of heartbreak. He reached his hand up and pulled back her hair. She was pretty with little freckles lining her button nose.

"It's Rachel. They took her the first night. I told her it was going to be okay."

I looked at her again. In my mind I made a decision. If she meant that much to Aris I was going to try to get her out of this mess. If I could I would take David and his friend with me.

Actually, no. I will get them out. I refuse to fail them. They're going to wake up, and they're running away with us.

We stood there deep in our own dark thoughts until we heard the door open. We rushed behind one of the tanks and crouched down.

Janson walked in and looked around. It seemed like he was admiring these poor kids he was torturing. What a no good, disgusting, filthy, little rat.

A sudden beep filled the room making me think it was some kind of signal. Fear went through me as I thought about if this was a way of letting us know they caught us. Then, the wall turned into a screen. Projected onto it was the lady we had seen shoot herself in the video. She had the same hair, same outfit, and same emotionless look.

"Chancellor Paige. How are you?"Janson asked in a fake nice voice. She either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge it.

"Let's get to what we need to. How are the subjects doing?"

Subjects? Did she just seriously refer to us as subjects? We were never people in their eyes. We were just brains and blood they could run tests over.

"So far they are okay. We think we're significantly closer to the cure."

That must be the cure for the disease we had been told about. If I remember correctly they call it the flare.

"I need you to move faster Janson."

"I'm going as fast as I can."

"Do you know who's looking for us? Right Arm is right on our trails. I have worked to hard for them to ruin this."

"Yes Chancellor Paige. We'll work faster,"Janson agreed. What push over.

"And remember, WCKD is good."

He turned to leave when she called his name again. He turned on his heel and stared at her.

"I don't want them to feel any pain."

"Don't worry. They won't feel a thing,"He said, with an evil smirk.

It looks like he found a loophole. I guess we can't feel pain if we're dead, or at the very least knocked out.

With that the screen went back to being a blank wall. Janson walked out of the room with that same grin capable of making the devil shudder.

We Met By Chance(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now