5) Disguises and Violence

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"No bloody way. You weren't lying,"Newt exclaimed. I gave him a look telling him to keep his voice down.

"I'm aware of that Newton. You should really listen to me more. It might just end up being helpful,"I advised.

"No offense, but you're probably more impulsive and gullible than anyone here. We thought you were just pulling our legs,"Minho defended.


I know exactly what you're thinking. Misogynistic much? Think of it like this. If you've been paying attention you'll remember that I'm playing the sunshine character. Think back to any book you've read that's had one of those. When they have a suggestion are they taken seriously? Usually there's one character who does, but that doesn't mean all the time.

In this case I have two people like that. Aris and Thomas. There's some people who never even got that. For example, think of Chuck. He was the cutest and one of the most happy go lucky people there. Did anyone take a word he said seriously? No.

A lot of time if there's one more character like that they bond. While Chuck and I didn't have the most time for that we quickly become best pals. I joined him on his pranks. We had been those sunshine characters together. Now it was only me.

May you rest in peace Chuck. I hope you met your parents.


I saw Thomas looking at something rather intensely so I did the same. To our horror Teresa was with the WCKD workers. Why? Where were they taking her?

"We don't want to draw any attention to ourselves,"Newt whispered. It looked like Thomas had woken up and chosen violence because he slammed his hands on the table and angrily stood up.

"What were you saying earlier Minho? I believe it was something about me being more impulsive and gullible than anyone here,"I repeated, watching on at whatever Thomas was about to do.

"What is he doing?"Newt groaned, shaking his head.

"I got this one. He's drawing attention to himself,"I answered.

"You are so childish Y/N/N."

"Well you guys are too easily fooled so I wouldn't be talking. Now slim it. I want to see this."

"Where are you taking her?"Thomas asked. They didn't move from the doorway.

"You'll see her soon,"The one with the bad hairline answered. I drank my orange juice as I took in the scene before me. Breakfast and a show? Yes please.

"Teresa,"He yelled. By now everyone had turned to see what was happening.

They didn't say anything this time so Thomas angrily shoved them. If only I was allowed to cheer out loud. Instead, I'll just keep egging him on in my head.

"We said you can't pass through,"They barked. One of them got ready to shove him back when the Ratman entered the room. Dang it. Things were just getting good.

"Thomas, we're all on the same side here,"He said, with that stupid smirk on his face. Just seeing him made rage boil in the pit of my stomach. So much so that I didn't realize I was subconsciously clenching my jaw hard enough to make my mouth hurt.

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