18) Denial

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I swear that dramatically collapsing on the ground was the best idea in the universe. So when Minho called for a short break I let everyone sit in their circle as I walked a little ways away, hid behind a rock, laid down, and spread my arms like I was going to make snow angels. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed being as close to alone as I could get.

“Hey,”Someone interrupted. Resisting the urge to groan, as I opened my eyes and sat up I saw Aris standing near me, admittedly looking awkward as he rocked back and forth in his spot.

“Hey dude. You need something?”

“No. I just wanted to see why you walked away,”He answered, staring at his feet.

“I just wanted to be alone,”I shrugged.

“Oh,”He mumbled. ”Can I be alone with you?”

“Do you know what the word alone means?”

“I do, but you won't even notice that I’m here,”He defended.

“I always know when you're near me,”I absentmindedly admitted. He snapped his head up to look at me, meeting my gaze. “I didn't mean that,”I rushed out. Watching his face drop, I looked away again.

“I didn't think you did,”He mumbled.

“I just say things without thinking sometimes.”

“Trust me. I know,”He nodded.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing,”He said quickly.

“Yeah. You looking ready to run off is definitely nothing,”I responded in a flat voice.

“I’m not. It's just that-”
“Hey shanks. How are you guys doing over here?”Minho greeted.

“Great. Then, you tried to bless us with your presence,”I shrugged.

“That's a little harsh.”

“So am I. Now did you actually need something?”

“It's time to get moving again. Jorge said there's somewhere to be before sundown.”

“And you trust what he says?”I reminded him.

“Not really, but he's our only shot,”He pointed out.

“And if he’s lying he's going to get shot,”I mumbled as he walked off. Standing up, I went to stretch my arms when someone grabbed my hand and pulled them down. Giving him a what the hell look, I froze as Aris stared right back.

“Your torso was still messed up pretty badly,”He explained.

“I’ve been stretching,”I pointed out.

“I know. I’ve been forgetting to tell you that's probably not a good idea,”He admitted.

“As nice as it is to care, I doubt raising my arms will tear my limbs apart,”I promised.

“Yeah, but better safe than sorry, right?”

“We’re never safe. I may as well stretch while I’m alive.”

“You worry too much.”

“Now let's go get our Tommy Boy back,”I said, patting his shoulder before going to find David so I could pretend the thought of not finding Greenie didn't make me want to puke my lungs out.


Absolute hell. We are literally in hell. From the sun to the sand to the Jorge dude, it's a pretty crappy situation. Obviously, Tommy Boy missing is the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, and I probably shouldn't be thinking of food metaphors. Why you ask? Because in this hell, I’m also very hungry.

But alas, we must prevail. For the sake of Greenie.

“How much longer?”Frypan asked, wiping more sweat from his forehead.

“We should get there in about five days.”

“No, I meant until we get to just die instead of being stuck here,”He clarified.

“I too, would not mind dying,”I agreed.

“No talking about dying. It’ll be fine. We just need to grab Thomas and get to the Safe Haven,”Newt said firmly.

“Am I allowed to think about dying though?”

“Y/N, I really can't with you today,”He sighed.

“Ouch. Just as I thought you loved me.”

“Not to worry, Y/N. I love you,”David sighed, making a heart with his hands. Doing the same back, I gave him a dramatic wink that he returned.

“Hey, this is no time for flirting,”Minho snapped.

“No. You can't separate me from my long lost love,”He argued, dramatically reaching his hand out. Doing the same, I feigned heartbreak until Jeremy turned him around to focus on walking.

“So you two seem close?”Aris asked from beside me, his voice more quiet than usual.

“He's got great flirting skills so I have to outdo him,”I pointed out.

“I mean you don't have to.”

“Yes. I must be the best of the best when it comes to flirting skills that I’ll never use.”

“And he's the only choice?”

“Naturally,”I nodded, keeping my spot next to him as we kept walking, with him looking over at me every now and then. Like the first time this happened, I pretended not to notice as I kept the conversation flowing. “Why do you care?”

“I don't,”He muttered, sort of stopping in his tracks. Doing the same, I waited for whatever he was. “I-I don't care,”He repeated a little firmer despite the slight shakiness in his voice.

“Okay, man. Then, you don't care,”I shrugged.

“Yeah. Good that.”

“Aris, Glader slang is not your vibe,”I sighed, patting his shoulder. “That was an alright attempt though. Not successful, but you did your best. It just wasn't enough.”

“Yeah. It never is.”

“What do you-”
“Y/N! I’ve got a bet going with Fry and I need your help!”Jeremy called.

“Be right there!”I called back. “You were saying?”

“Nothing,”He said in that same defeated tone.

“It’ll be alright. If you practice one day you could understand the superior slang.”

“Yeah. That.”

“That indeed. Catch you later dude,”I promised, patting his shoulder one last time before going to see what Jeremy and Fry could possibly have going on.

Along with pretending that I couldn't feel Aris’s eyes on my back, but we're not going to talk about that.


I know, I know. You shouldn't break the fourth wall in a story, but I don't like being told what to do. You hopefully know that by now.

So let's get some things out of the way.

First, Jorge's advice, something about it should be sticking. More of the broad topic of vulnerability though. Besides, I’m going to need it. At least, if this story is going to progress. Then again a few specific writers are known for ruining happiness during some point in their books so we’ll have to wait and see. Anyways, I’m getting off track, but I tend to do that.

David. Let's talk about that lovely shank. So far he's been interesting. Granted, some of that does have to do with the little game going on, but just in general too. For a lot more reasons than one. Reasons like Aris.

I think deep down I know. I think that we all know. Admitting though, that's the hard part. Especially with all these things going on right now. Besides, love isn't my thing. Never had been, never will be.

Well, I can tell myself that. Just like he can tell himself that he doesn't care.


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