22) Hypothetical

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Aris's P.O.V

I don't like the way she does this. How every time I think there might be something she pretends every moment of it never happened. Maybe I'm just insane. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I don't know, but I'm sure if I accidentally put my hand around any other girl's waist she would shove me off. I think being tired would only make them more determined to knock me down from wherever we were. She did the exact opposite and held my hand. Does that actually not mean anything?

It sucks. It really sucks, and Rachel is not helping with her sly words and suggestive looks. She's also confusing me more with her certainty of Y/N liking me.

"Stare a little harder. Maybe she'll look back,"She teased, coming out of nowhere.

"I'm not staring,"I lied.

"Why are you staring?"She continued.

"I'm not,"I repeated.

"What's confusing you about her?"She interegated.

"I'm not confused about anything."

"What's on your mind?"


"Well, that's not new."

"You know I'm kidding,"She sighed, throwing her arm around my shoulder. Ignoring it, I let her as we kept walking. "Seriously though, what are you thinking about?"

I really wanted to say nothing. I mean it was nothing to Y/N. It's just that I don't know how helpful she would be.

I mean more helpful than basically everyone else here. So fine. I may as well give in. Sort of.

"Fine. Let's say, hypothetically, a girl, hypothetically, sometimes seems really close to you, hypothetically, and sometimes acts like you don't exist. Hypothetically, what would that mean?"

"Well Y/N-"
"Hypothetical question,"I said firmly.

"Fine, Y/N hypothetically either thinks pushing her feelings down will make them go away or doesn't realize she has them. Either way, they're there. She just doesn't want them to be."

"Promising,"I mumbled.

"You asked,"She pointed out.

"Well, your answer sucks."

"So you admit you like Y/N?"

"I don't like anyone,"I lied, staring at the ground.

"Uh huh. That's why you get jealous whenever she flirts with David, right? Because you wish that was you."

"I don't care who she flirts with,"I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest as I glared at the ground.

"So that,"she started, making me look up, "doesn't bother you?"

With her arm on his shoulder, she gave an exaggerated laugh before pulling away. Finding myself glaring without realizing, I quickly dropped my gaze on the ground.

It was too late though. Rachel was already staring at me with a triumphant smirk.


"Well, you're jealous, aren't you?"

"I am not jealous,"I scoffed.

"Right. That glare's just for fun, and not because you wish she was flirting with you instead."

"I do not want her to flirt with me."

"That actually makes sense. You'd get flustered and blush. You know? The way you already do around her?"

"You're no help."

"You want my help setting you up with her?"


"No. I do not."

"Well, I'll say this. She likes you, she's definitely in denial, and you are so obviously head over heels for her. That's why you can't tell she feels the same."

"You really think so?"I asked quietly.

"I know so. She really does like you too, and I plan on saying the biggest I told you so when you get together."

Keeping my mouth shut, I glanced back up at Y/N. With her arms over chest, she rolled her eyes as David nudged her side. Nudging him back, the two walked suspiciously close to each other.

"That could be you if you would stop being a wuss."

"Gee Rachel. Whatever would I do without you?"I deadpanned.

"Not realize she liked you back. Obviously."

Yeah. Obviously I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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