6) Perfect Aim

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The outside world was awful. Heavy winds were blowing sand through the air. Thankfully, we found an old building and slid on down. It was right on time because WCKD had already sent out a search party. Aren't we just so special?

"Y/N, who are these people?"Minho asked once we could no longer see or hear the vehicles.

"That's Rachel. Over there is David. If any of you are rude to him I'll knee Minho in the stomach again. Then, next to David is someone I've been calling David's friend."

"My name's Jeremy,"David's friend spoke up.

"That explains nothing. Also, why would you only hurt me?"Minho asked.

"Basically they were taken and experimented on. I found them and decided I may as well pull the random machine off their heads. Now they're alive and well. As for your last question I dunno. You were just very kickable,"I shrugged.

With that I stood up to go see if there was anything useful around this place. Since it's covered in random items all over the floor something has to be helpful.

"Y/N/N, you can't just walk off. Besides, we need the plan."

"Ah yes. My three feet away is the end of the world. Just let me stretch my legs Newt."

"Can someone please explain what's going on?"Frypan asked.

"It's WCKD. It's always been WCKD,"Thomas explained. As he did something shiny caught my eye. I bent down to see a flashlight next to a half used pack of batteries. Knowing they'd be a necessity I picked them up and put them in a random bag I found.

"Okay. So what's the plan?"Newt repeated. Thomas responded with dead silence. "We followed you out here, and you're telling us that we didn't have a plan?"

"It's better than dying,"I pointed out.

"We still have to figure out what we're going to do."

I just replaced some batteries in another flashlight. Sure enough they all worked. It's amazing how many objects fit in such little space.

"Janson said something about some kind of resistance. People living in the mountains,"Aris spoke up.

"Right Arm. If they're really against WCKD maybe they can help us,"Thomas agreed.

"People? In the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?"Newt asked.

"Do you have a better one Mr.Second-in-command?"I asked.

"No. I guess we're looking for mountain people,"He sighed.

"Can someone fill us in on what happened?"Jeremy asked.

"Weren't you listening? WCKD was going to experiment on you. That safe building they gave us was actually their headquarters. I decided I didn't like the idea so I attacked someone, stole her stuff, and broke you out. Now we're here, and you get to live to see another day. It really is simple."

"I'm still lost."

"You're not the brightest, are you Jeremy? Everyone take a bag. We're going to gather supplies,"I directed, tossing everyone one.

"Where did you get these?"Thomas asked.

"While you were all chit-chatting I found a bunch of stuff. I have four other battery packs so some of you test them,"I instructed.

"Wait. Shouldn't we stay with a partner?"Newt suggested.


"Great. Frypan, you're with me. Thomas, you'll be with Minho. Winston is with me. David, work with Jeremy. Teresa is with-"
"This is stupid and a waste of time Newt. We don't know what could be in here. Everyone find at least one person and go with them. As long as no one's alone you're fine,"I interrupted. People instantly found their group. Surprisingly, the three strangers and Aris joined me.

"Thanks for saving us by the way. You're pretty cool to risk your life for some strangers,"David complimented.

"Sure. Don't mention it. If you really want to thank me help me keep a lookout for anything dangerous. This place gives me the creeps."

"Do you plan on keeping the WCKD coat?"Aris asked.

"Yes. Don't pass up clean clothes if you think you have room. We're not going for style."

A few seconds after I said this all the lights turned on. There was something that felt wong about it. If these lights still had power they had been turned off on purpose.

I found a giant glass bottle on the ground and quickly broke it. It was now a sharp weapon.

"Uh, why did you do that?"Jeremy asked.

"Hush and find something you can fight with. This isn't-"
"What the hell are those things?!"Thomas yelled from a few rooms down.

"I don't know,"Minho screamed back. They had definitely done something stupid. While I was still full of determination I strapped my bag to me and sprinted to where these idiots were.

It looked like everyone was just as confused as they bolted out of a room. They had clear panic on their faces.

"We need to get out of here!"Thomas yelled.

As he said this a swarm of bloodthirsty Cranks rounded the corner. That was the reason the lights were off, and these morons practically summoned them. I could insult them later though. It was time to run.

I clicked off my flashlight and sprinted off with the others. It was like an entire obstacle course, complete with turning, twisting, and jumping. Despite this the things behind us never let up.

"If we die I'm going to kill you both!"

"That's fair!"

Just as we thought we were going to be stuck running in circles we found a broken escalator. Clutching the glass in my hand I sprinted up it. I looked back to make sure everyone was still there. Teresa was at the bottom with one of those things pulling at her. Praying I still had good aim I picked up another bottle and chucked it straight at the things head. I didn't miss as it got knocked down. Seeing her opportunity Teresa kicked it as hard as she could before running up the stairs. As great as it would be to relish in that victory we were far from safe.

Directly behind us were several more of those things. Continuing to sprint we stopped at another directly in front of us. Just as it was running Aris had the bat to its head before switching last second. It fell face first which gave us time to get away.

Apparently, they weren't finished coming out of nowhere just yet because one jumped on top of Newt. Before anyone could react Minho kicked the thing into the glass railing. It instantly shattered as the Crank fell to the ground.

Minho pulled Newt up, and they kept going. We turned into a thin hallway, but at the end were two doors. Let's just hope we pick the right one because it's also a dead end.

"This one!"Teresa exclaimed, trying to push in the red one. It hardly budged an inch, but chains could be heard on the other side. A few others were helping her. Up ahead the Cranks were gaining on us.

"Take it!"Winston yelled, handing me the gun.

"No. Take the damn gun back!"I argued.

"You have perfect aim! Just shoot them before we're all dead!"

Knowing there wasn't any other choice I took a shot, aiming for four in a straight line. Three of them dropped down dead. I kept this up until I was out of bullets.

"I'm out of ammo! Hurry up!"I yelled. Just as I thought it was over someone kicked the door open. Everyone sprinted inside.

Mostly everyone at least. At the last second I felt them grab onto my legs. Their grip was stronger than anything I could imagine. I wrapped my fingers around the edge of the door. People were split on keeping the door shut and saving me from the cranks.

For some reason one of them bit down as hard as it could on my leg. I cried out in pain as they clawed at my torso. Just when I thought I was going to die my friends pulled me out of their grasp.

The others only had the door fully shut for a second, but it was enough to get away. At the first sign of a hiding spot we crouched down for hours on end. At some point despite the terror and the pain spreading through my body I drifted to sleep with the others.

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