1) The Intriguing Stranger

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The people here kept saying we were safe. Every three seconds they insisted everything was okay now, and we didn't have to be scared anymore. I know I should be able to believe them. They gave us new clothes and let us take an actual shower. They took us from that awful scene with Chuck's body. They even gave us real doctor checkups. As far as the boys are concerned this place is heaven.

What do I think? I think it's weird that they knew exactly when we needed to be rescued. It's fishy that they knew the exact location. Then, there was the checkups themselves. They made Minho run on a treadmill, took everyone's blood, and even pricked us with needles.

It didn't matter though. I tried to forget my suspicions for my friends sake. They had just been through hell. The last thing they needed was me pestering them with these thoughts. Besides, they wouldn't take it seriously. It wasn't exactly their fault though. I was like their little sister (even if I was the second to arrive).

That's why they could be so protective. I knew there were two ways it would go. One was laughing it off and telling me everything was fine. The second one was overreacting. They did that a lot.

There was also the fact of who I am in the friend group. You know how everyone has this part they play? Mine is the happy go lucky optimist. I was little miss sunshine. I couldn't stop now. I was trying to bring as little negative change as possible. It was just what I did.


"Y/N, there you are. You're never going to believe it,"Minho said, excitedly.

"I don't believe anything happening, much less anything from you,"I teased.

"Ouch. How are you going to do your big bro like that?"

"All of you shanks insist you're my big bro. I doubt every single one of us is related,"I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know you're really hurting my feelings right now. You're supposed to be the nice one."

"I am. Now what did you disturb my peaceful daydreams to tell me?"I asked.

"Right. You need to see this. You're going to lose your mind."

"I never knew I had one in the first place,"I deadpanned.

"Stop with the self-deprecating humor, and come on."

I followed him to a place with a bunch of white doors. Then, he opened them to reveal a cafeteria. Not like one in the Glade. There were real tables and chairs. The food was worth drooling over. It almost made me want to trust this place.

"We're not the only Maze. Look how many others there are,"He pointed out. I tore my eyes away from the food and did so. Sure enough hundreds of kids were sitting down. They were laughing and talking with their friends. Boys and girls were actually together. Not the way I was the only one until Teresa. There were entire friend groups.

"We saved you a seat. Come on,"He urged. I followed him again and sat next to the Gladers. They had already gotten me a tray. It was kind of annoying how they didn't let me do it myself, but they were just being nice. They always had my best interests at heart, and I would forever have theirs.

"Hey Y/N/N. How'd your appointment go?"Newt asked.

"It was alright. My favorite part was all the needles sucking up my blood."

"Do you always have to be so sarcastic?"Newt sighed, smiling to show he was joking.

"Me? Sarcastic? How dare you,"I exasperated.

"Ooh. Hello pretty lady. I'm David,"A boy said, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

"I'm Y/N,"I introduced.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,"He said, winking.

"She's not interested in dating,"Minho told him before I could say another word. I sighed in annoyance. For once, could they let me have a flirty conversation with someone? The boy was too dramatic to have been serious.

"Our Maze was full of girls and guys. David's attempted flirting is how he jokes around with his friends,"His friend spoke up.

"Well he can take it to them then,"Minho scowled. The boys face went pale, and I mouthed an apology.

"So, what was your guys Maze like?"His friend asked.

"Different from yours. I can't imagine getting to be with girls too."

"Rude much?"Fry grumbled.

"Nope. I just refuse to lie."

"So what was yours like?"Newt asked again.

"Like I said. It had a bunch of guys and girls. Unfortunately for my eyes privacy was rare."

I knew this conversation would be weird so I spoke up.

"What's the deal with this place?"

"I don't know. Janson comes in every day and calls a few kids for the Safe Zone."

"What's that?"I asked. The boy shrugged in response.

"What about everyone else? Are they nice?"I asked.

"Yeah. Some are a bit colorful. Especially, that kid over there. The one sitting alone,"He said, cocking his head to a kid in the back.

I looked and saw a pale boy with his head down. Peaking out of his hood was light brown hair. He had sharp features, especially his nose, but it wasn't in a bad way. In fact, it suited him.

He looked across the cafeteria, and we locked eyes. His were a beautiful crystal blue. Despite this there was a mystery lurking behind them. He looked like he knew something we didn't, some kind of dark secret. Then, there were those bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted. Had he not been able to sleep?

I don't know why, but I wanted to know more about this stranger. Something about him drew me in. He looked like someone you could trust. I can't explain it, but he seemed different from the boys at the Glade. He looked like he would understand what I always wanted to say. I had to talk to this stranger.

I realized how long I had been staring when he looked down. His face had gone completely red, and I'm sure mine was no better.

"No. You can't just date some strange kid from another Maze."
"What do you mean? I was just zoning out,"I said, playing dumb. Like the oblivious person he is he believed me. They always did. It was a good thing, but sometimes I wanted someone to see though it. I wished someone knew me for more than a little sister. Right now it was nothing more than a lovely dream, and it would probably stay that way. Unless, I somehow met someone who wanted to see me for something more.

I subconsciously looked at the boy again to see him looking right back. This time I held his gaze for just a little longer. Right there I promised I would know who he was, even if it meant going behind my friends backs.

We Met By Chance(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now