14) Inspirational

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"So this is fun,"I sighed as we hung upside down.

"Yeah. I've always dreamed of dying because blood is rushing to my head,"David added.

"Good going Thomas. Just listen to what the man has to say,"Minho mocked.

"Shut up guys,"He mumbled.

"Sorry Tommy boy. Are we making the experience unpleasant?"I asked, fake pouting at him. Even though I was hanging from my ankles I caught his eye roll. "If you don't want us to say anything don't act like a Greenie,"I recommended.

"I think being tied up with you guys is worse than being tied up,"He groaned.

"But I love being with y'all. I don't think we've had enough time as a family. Good thing you just got us killed so our last moments are all together."

"Y/N,"Newt said in a warning voice.

"Give her a minute. Humor is how she deals with these situations,"Rachel sighed.

"I like you more and more each time that you talk. I'm glad that you're not dead, Rach,"I shrugged.

"You all seem to be enjoying yourself,"that Jorde dude remarked, coming out of thin air.

"Hey. That's exactly what I said. It's nice to see I'm on the same page of a kidnapper,"I deadpanned.

"I don't think I have ever met someone so irritating,"He scowled.

"And vice versa. It's more of hatred for the way you stole our things, tossed us around, and tied us up,"I listed.

"Listen here. I have one question now which-"
"Woah. Our pop quiz got shorter,"David pointed out.

"That means if we miss the question we fail though. I don't want my non-existent GPA to suffer,"I replied.

"Oh darn. I guess we better answer right then."

"Are you all done?"

"Yeah. Probably,"I shrugged.

"Thank you. Now what do you know about Right Arm?"

"Why would we know anything about them?"I asked, feigning innocence.

"You know something,"He snapped.

"Damn. I didn't know you could read minds,"Jeremy snarled.

"Listen here-"
"If you pull that lever I will scream so loud your ears will start bleeding so I suggest you back the hell away from it,"I warned, spotting the way his hand was moving. Apparently, his hearing is also the way to get to him because he genuinely looked panicked as he walked away from it entirely while still staring at us.

"What do you know about-"
"If you aren't going to untie us then get out of my face. We've got nothing to talk about unless it's an apology from your gray haired self,"I insulted.

"Listen little girl-"
"I know you didn't just do that. If you don't either set us free or walk away I swear I'll make what's left of your head turn to mush,"I threatened.

"Right Arm-"
"Can you just-"
"Shuck off-"
"All I'm asking-"
"Jump down a hole-"
"That's not-"
"Enough! From the both of you!"Newt yelled. We both shut our mouths because when Newt is about to lecture you you're in for it. I couldn't escape this time either.

"All we want is to leave. We don't have to have met each other. Everyone can just put this out of their mind."

"Just tell me what you know about Right Arm. That is all I'm asking."

"If we tell you will you let us go?"


"Newt, adults saying maybe always means no,"I pointed out.

"They live in the mountains. Now what do you say? You wanna let us go?"

"Hmm. No."

"No. You are all going to make me a lot of money,"He smirked.

"Not WCKD. Come on man. We just got out of there, and I don't really want to die,"I pleaded. He didn't say anything as he kept his glare. "This really pains me, but please. We both want the same thing. We both want to find them and be free. Just please let us go."

His silence has us all holding out breath in anticipation. Sending him begging eyes, I thought that maybe he would listen. That maybe there was an ounce of humanity in him that would recognize us as humans and not cash cows. That was all we were asking for. A chance to live a safe life.

"We don't want to be used anymore. Please let us go,"I tried.

"Keep an eye on them,"He ordered before his heavy footsteps walked off. I can't believe it. I had just begged for the first time in my life, and he pretended not to see it. Our pleas for help had once again been pushed to the side.

"I hope this was worth it! I hope your precious cash is worth our lives! I hope you rot in hell!"I screamed. Like always we were ignored.

"I would wish you luck, but there's not much you can do with it,"His minion laughed.

"I'm sure that you'll get to join him like the pushover you are,"I spat. All I got from that was an ugly laugh as he also walked away.

"So uh, we're not giving up. Since we like breathing let's put our heads together and think of something. We got this so go team."

"Jeremy?"David asked.


"You know you're not very good at inspirational speeches."

"It was worth a shot."

"But he's right. We've gotten out of awful situations before, and we'll do it again. Come on. We survived a Maze, WCKD, all those Cranks, and we're going to die because of some old guy? Nu uh. We're going to live, and I'm not talking about the bare minimum. I mean actually live. Wake up, have some stability, and not just be prisoners or lab rats. This is just another obstacle that we're gonna overcome."

"Did-did Y/N just give us an inspirational speech?"Winston asked.

"I did, and I don't plan on repeating myself. Now are we ready for this?"

"Ready as we'll over be,"Teresa answered.

"Then, let's get the hell out of here."

We Met By Chance(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now