10) Small Yet Meaningful Words

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"So you seriously put up with nothing but guys?"Rachel asked. I looked at the Gladers. Fry and Winston were heavily invested in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Newt, Minho, and Thomas were having a debate on which place we've been trapped in sucks the most. Pretty average and idiotic stuff.

"Yeah. It wasn't all bad though,"I shrugged.

"Really? So you never actually wanted a girl to show up?"

"Let's not go that far. I just mean that the Glader's will always be my family. Even when we argue we always fix it. We're all we have,"I pointed out. She nodded in somewhat understanding.

"Yeah. There's not exactly a lot of time to be angry at each other."

"So what's it like only being with girls? I mean, obviously besides Aris."

"It was alright. We all mostly got along. We did what we had to survive, you know?"

"Yeah. More than I'd like to."

She went to say something when she looked behind me. I followed her gaze to see her looking at Aris. I waved, and he turned bright red before staring at the ground.

"Okay then,"I said, pulling some hair out of my face. As I did I realized my face had completely flushed. It was even hotter than earlier, and that's saying something.

"Wow,"She commented.

"Wow what?"I questioned.

"Aris actually blushing at someone. I never thought I'd see it,"She responded.

"We're in a desert. Everyone turns red in a desert,"I defended, not knowing why I was so determined to be right about this.

"Mhm,"She said, looking at me like she knew something. I pretended it didn't make me nervous as we kept walking.


We were all gathered around a fire, desperate to get some warmth. This place was absolutely freezing at night.

"Hey Y/N. Maybe if you just sit by me we can warm each other up. After all, two hot people is exactly what we need,"David fake flirted, winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at his antics.

"That sounds absolutely brilliant. It's such a shame I'm the only one here who's actually in that category,"I deadpanned.

"Ouch. That one was a good one. Do you want some ice for that burn David?"Jeremy remarked.

"He probably does. I'm just that great at comebacks,"I shrugged, brushing off my shoulders.

"Hey guys. What are we talking about?"Minho asked, squeezing himself between us. I gave him a look, letting him know I knew what he was doing. It was pretty obvious he was putting space between me and David.

"Nothing anymore. I was just leaving,"I lied, walking to the other side of the fire. I just sat back as I tried to calm the annoyance I felt. Did he always have to be like this?

"Hey Y/N. Are you alright?"Aris asked, awkwardly standing next to me.

"Yep,"I answered.

He just nodded while still standing there. I moved over to let him know he could sit down. I don't know why he would think he couldn't. After all, I'm pretty sure it's obvious I like him.

As a friend though. I could never like anyone in any other way. That's just not my style.

He joined me, and we both sat back and stared at the fire in silence. I pretended not to notice the way his eyes seemed to glance at me every now and then.

"How do your friends treat you?"I spoke up, finally letting curiosity get the best of me.

"What do you mean?"

"How do your friends treat you?"I repeated.

"I don't know. The way you're supposed to treat friends I suppose."

"So you never feel smothered when you're with them?"I mumbled.

I didn't look at him as I fiddled with my sleeves. Now that I actually asked the question I was nervous for the answer. They do say ignorance is bliss, but at the same time it's been on my mind for so long.

"No. Do you?"

"Sometimes. You've seen how they act. It can just be annoying,"I admitted. "They're not bad friends though,"I added quickly.

"Have you tried talking to them? Besides, threatening to kick them in the stomach?"

"They don't really listen when it comes to that. They just keep saying they're protecting me,"I explained.

"I'm not sure if it means much, but I don't think you need protecting."

A small grin appeared on my face which I didn't try to fight back. After all, in that moment there wasn't a single reason not to smile.

"Aris, right now that means everything."

We Met By Chance(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now