Something Old, Something New

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October 3rd, 2018, 8:45 AM

"Looking at your grades you'd think you would actually take this time to study." I tilt my head up to see Kyouko staring down at me. Surprisingly, Kyouko is one of the very, very, very few people you somewhat enjoy being around. Even with the little time we've known each other and the very many petty arguments, she can be surprisingly warm and kind. "Wanna know something?" I ask. "You are constant pain in the ass. Like a really small cactus pine I can't get out."

"And yet, you seem to enjoy my company."

"What do you want?" I ask?

She sits on top of my desk as she types on her phone. She hands me her phone and on it are some high-quality photos of both me and Peter. "I'm managed to get a job at the bugle. From now on I'm Spider-Mans' photographer." She says with a slight smile on her face.

"You should quit. Guaranteed there's better places that pay more too."

"300 per picture."

"How the hell are you making 300, Peter didn't even make that much working there."

"Well, it seems like JJ's rage boner for Spider-Man keeps growing and now that there's two of them, he wants more pictures. I made 1500 just last week for a few mug stoppings. You know, you could always come work there with me."

"Yeah, I'll gladly decline you on that offer, I've got enough on my plate as it is."

"Such as? Last time I remember you barely study. Only real thing is feast."

"One, that's classified. Two, studying is studying either way."

"Yeah, whatever you say. At least let me know if you see Spider-Man anywhere."

I sigh as I lean back in my chair. "Fine, just try not to die while you're taking pictures. I say with a sarcastic tone.

She reaches over and grabs her phone out of my hand. "Thanks Y/n for the help."

"Don't worry about just shoo, you still interrupted my nap." She hops off my desk, and I instantly place my head down. 'I think I'm just take a break for a few days.'


October 8th, 2018, 7:39 PM

I swing between the tall buildings through the city. The new suit Peter made for me feels great compared to the last I wore. I web zip to the top of a pole before swinging off it and swinging low enough to skim my hand across the roof of a taxi.

 I web zip to the top of a pole before swinging off it and swinging low enough to skim my hand across the roof of a taxi

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As I leap from building to building, a web shoots out from my hands, attaching to a nearby structure. With a powerful thrust, I propel himself into the air, defying gravity and soaring through the endless skyscrapers that adorn the cityscape. With each swing, the sound of my webbing reaches a crescendo, a distinctive "thwip" that echoes through the canyons created by the towering buildings.

A New Spider on the Block (Spiderman ps4 x X-men x Champions x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now