Chapter 6.

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By your side when you're all alone
I'll be there.
~ Walk off the earth.

As soon as Elora entered the cafeteria for lunch, she saw Felix. She was mad, furious even, with him but right now all she wanted was to be in his arms. Hold him tight and for him to tell her it was going to be okay. That no one could touch her. That she was going to be okay. As soon as she reached him she hugged him around the neck. He hugged her back and said, "I'm so sorry El. I've been such a shitty boyfriend lately and I'm so damn sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"It's fine. It's okay. Your here now and that's what matters. But just don't do it again okay? Please?" Elora said as they separated.

"I won't. I heard about Carlos. I'll be with you every second. I promise. You can come to my house whenever Edward is busy. I'll be by your side okay? Everything's going to be okay. I swear I won't let a fly touch you." Felix said and that was enough for Elora. She was happy to have him back.

"Thanks." Elora said and they were just standing there looking at each other. Lost in each other's eyes. And then Cullen cleared his throat really loudly.

"So, how was your day guys?" Elora asked as she sat down at the table with everyone.

"It was really good wasn't it Blake?" Cullen said. Something was off. Both Blake and Cullen seemed really very angry and upset at something. Elora gave Emma a questioning look and Emma shook her head and shrugged.

"What are you girls doing after lectures are done?" Felix said.

"Well I'll be going home with dad. You know, because of the whole Carlos situation." Elora said and then realized that she hadn't gotten her lunch yet so she went to get it.

"I know something has happened between you three and I don't usually butt in but, right now, I need an answer. What the hell happened?" Emma said as soon as Elora left.

"Nothing." The three said together.

"No, it's something. Blake, what the hell happened. Will you tell me?" Emma said in a really serious and demanding voice.

"Okay, so we found out where he's been going." Cullen said.

"Or at least we think that this is the reason." Blake said.

"What is it?" Emma said looking at Felix.

"Nothing. Cut it off you two." He said to Blake and Cullen.

"He's been smoking." Blake said looking disgusted.

"What????" Emma said looking at him in surprise. He was also against smoking. he infact helped Cullen get out of it a year ago. And now he's doing it?

"Exactly our point." Cullen taking a sip of his sprite.

"Okay so, what made you start?" Emma said and Felix was praying for Elora to come back. He knew if she was back they would stop talking about this.

"I don't know." Felix said taking a look at the line only to feel his hope hit the ground. Elora was way back.

"Well, only one thing you can do is to stop. You know she hates it. And you know why too. She, more than hates it if possible. So like you need to stop." Emma said and Felix nodded in agreement. He did need to stop. Not only for Elora, he didn't want his health to go haywire. Although that wasn't really the only reason he was disappearing.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Elora said as she came after five minutes with her lunch. And they all spoke about different things like the theater, their day, their stupid professors and all.

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