Chapter 1.

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A/N: the above picture is the playlist for this book. It has the same name as the book. I couldn't add a link here and that's the reason I had to do it this way. If there are any more questions you can comment and I'll reply. Happy reading!


My stupid heart, don't know
I tried to let you go.

~Walk off the earth

Getting up early is a task that's hard for many people and Elora was definitely one of those people. She sat up rubbing her eyes with one hand as the other searched for her alarm. As she was sitting and debating on whether or not to go to college that day, she was also thinking about what happened yesterday. Although when the second alarm rang, that is, fifteen minutes after the first one, Elora got out of bed and started her morning daily routine. She brushed her light brown hair, put on a face cream As she usually doesn't put on makeup, she then put on two rings, one which was given to her by her brother and one from her best friend, then as for clothes she took her favorite jersey and her baggy pants and got dressed. She tied her hair up in a messy bun as she was too lazy to do anything else.

Elora Emirson

As she was done, she looked at the time and mentally facepalmed herself for not looking at the time earlier. It was 7:50 am and she had to be in college in ten minutes and she took at least twenty minutes to get there. She quickly grabbed her phone, her bag and her sandwich; which she made in such a hurry that she didn't even know what she put in it; and then left the house. As she was just exiting her building she saw her bus was just leaving and decided against running. She would be at least half an hour late to college but she didn't mind that.

She skipped the first lecture because there wasn't any point in going for it for fifteen minutes and sat on one of the benches outside her school. She removed her most recent favorite book and started reading. Just as she got to her favorite part the bell rang. One thing everyone should know about Elora is that no one, no one should disturb her while she was reading something, and at that moment she felt like killing the bell.

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