Chapter 3.

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I have loved you since we were eighteen.
~One Direction.

"it's been two days El. Quit it already." Felix said as he ran his hair in frustration. It had been two days. Wasn't that enough to make Elora shut up about how annoying that guy is? What was his name again? Alex?

"I can't just quit it Fel. I see him everyday for no damn reason. And it's always on the same street! I mean whyyyyy?" Elora said. Ever since that day she hadn't once not seen him on the street at 7.55am. and for her it just kept reminding her about that one day.

"You speak more about him than me!" Felix exclaimed that made the rest of them laugh.

"Jealous much?" Emma said raising one eyebrow and smirking.

"Me and jealous? Yeah sure." Felix said rolling his eyes and then taking Elora by her waist and pulling her closer. "Your no one else's except mine. And I don't need to prove that to anyone." And then leaned in and kissed her. They got a few whistles and cheers but none of them paid attention to it. Elora wondered if that was for her to forget about Alex because that's what exactly happened.


Elora got ready to go to Felix's game. It was an important one, not only for him but for their entire College. And she had promised she would be there and she was already late. Emma was waiting for her outside for the past ten minutes and was really getting impatient.

Finally Elora grabbed her phone, locked her apartment and got into Emma's car. It wasn't technically Emma's car, it was her sister's but her sister was allowing her to use it as she wasn't in town for a few days.

"You take a hell lot of time." Emma said. "Trying to look good for your boyfriend eh?"

"Shut up. And yes. I mean he's the captain. What if they win and he waves? I can't look like I'm loving on the street although I theoretically am." Elora said and Emma just chuckled.

"I see you haven't dressed the usual." Elora said smirking.

"Same thing you said. I mean my boyfriend might not be cap but is still a player in the winning team. Can't be looking like I'm homeless right?" Emma said and Elora chuckled nodding in response.


They won the games! They had won! They were in first place among all the other Universities. They had done it.

Elora and Emma had gone down to the lockers. They weren't allowed inside so they had waited outside. They had already met Felix and Blake and Cullen and all of them were definitely exited and happy. Felix had said that they would take some time to freshen up so Emma and Elora decided to go up to the café and wait for them.

Elora was really happy for Felix but at the same time really tired too. She hadn't slept for half the night and really needed some rest. But like always she wasn't going to say anything because she didn't want to spoil the mood. So took some medicine to help the pain in her head and convinced herself that she was going to be fine.

"Hey El!" Felix said happily as he hugged her from behind and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before sitting next to her.

"Isn't there a party you guys need to go to?" Emma said not specifically to someone.

"Yeah there is one but we wanted to see whether you girls want to come along?" Blake said hoping he would get a yes as a response.

"I would love to babe." Emma said.

"I would like to but I can't guys. I'm sorry." Elora said looking down. She did really feel bad about not going with Felix but she knew she wouldn't be able to stand it after she got there.

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