Chapter 17.

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Here's to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not.
~Maroon 5.

The next week in the hospital was the second worst thing that had happened in Elora's life. Her body was slowly recovering but her shoulder was the biggest problem she could've ever delt with. She couldn't even lift up her hand yet alone lift up a pencil in the air.

The doctor said it was normal and that it was getting better but in which was, Elora didn't know. It felt the same to her, the same pain since the time she had gotten hurt. How could the doctor even say that it's getting better?

"Well I have some good news." Alex said as he gave her a cup of water.

"And what's that?" Elora asked raising one eyebrow.

"You won't have to see me for a few weeks." Alex said and as he said it, her heart seemed to fall deep into a dark hole. Why? Why did she have this feeling? What even was it? And why does she feel this way only when Alex says he can't meet her or that she can't see him?

"Why?" She asked, he voice merely a whisper.

"Because, I've got a lot of catching up to do with college. And so do you. And I'm not your partner in any of the projects it's all Emma. And she said she can't come today, but she'll come tomorrow. And I think a hell lot of people want to talk to you." Alex said not once looking up from his phone.

"Who?" She asked taking a sip from her cup

"Fifteen to sixteen people. I think you already know who." Alex said.

"So you're gonna go now?" She asked pouting.

"Are you six? That's not going to work on me. And plus you hate me. So it shouldn't bother you that much." Alex said looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"Well, in this white cell I'd rather be stuck with you rather than no one." She said looking around.

"Well, I've got practice and your very own dad will kill me if I miss another one." Alex said getting his bag.

"Another one?" She asked.

"Um yeah. I missed one yesterday. Wasn't keeping well." Alex said hurriedly. Then walked over to her, flicked her on her forehead and said, "Bye. See you in a few weeks." before leaving, not giving her time to answer.

"Well that was nice." She said to herself. She didn't know what she could do. There were a stack of books lined up on the table next to her, some of them were given to her by Emma and the rest of them were given to her by Alex. Out of which, she had finished reading three books. Imagine reading three books in a week, that's how bored she was.

"Hey." Someone said from the door startling her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Lorenzo says as he enters along with Alessio.

"Oh no. That's fine. I was just a bit lost in my own world." Elora said giving them a warm smile. They had come to see her often the last week. And Everytime they did, they kept getting her chocolate. It had something to do with Elora and Lorenzo stealing it at midnight for two months straight.

"Did Alex just leave?" Alessio asked, taking a seat.

"Yeah. He said he's not going to see me for another week because of College assignments. And as for me, Emma is mostly doing the work even after me insisting that I can help in a few ways. But one thing about Emma is that, once she makes up her mind, there's no changing it." Elora explained.

"She's being a good friend. And she cares about you." Lorenzo said.

"I know. But I feel like I'm just simply getting a grade by just sitting and not doing anything. I literally finished reading three books in a week. And each of them were of 800 to 1000 pages. That's how much free time I have." Elora said.

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