A New Beginning

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"The court is adjourned in favor of the plaintiff, Lincoln Loud" *BANG*

Just like that it was over for the loud family, before leaving, Lincoln looks at his former family one last time to see them crying and a few officers trying to break their hug to escort them to the police vehicles outside to be sent away to their separate punishments and answer for their crimes. The parents, Rita and Lynn loud Sr, were given 20 years in prison in Detroit, Lori was sent to 10 years in imprisonment in New York, Lynn Jr was given 5 years in juvie followed by 3 years in jail in LA, Leni was ordered to be sent to a mental facility in Seattle, Lily was given custody to the Pingrey family, and the remains of the former family were to be separated across various states. Lincoln was adopted into the Casagrandes but decided to keep his name and it was the same with the others, with the exempt of Lincoln and Lily, the Loud name is now cursed in society for a long time. Lincoln then followed Maria, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne out of the courthouse to their car and drove off towards home, the drive was silent and Maria looks over to Lincoln to see the look on his face waiting for someone to speak about what had just occurred.

"I'm sorry little bro" Bobby spoke.

"For what exactly?" Lincoln asked curiously.

"I didn't noticed when you got into the crossfire between me and the love I had for Lori and got hurt when I broke up with her after the misunderstanding when I thought you and Ronnie Anne were dating when in reality she was bullying you at school."

Lincoln chuckled and said "The way I see things, you were a victim from Lori's wrath so you're forgiven and what's done is done."

"But that doesn't make it all better, we're moving soon to live with relatives in Great Lakes City and we're more than happy to take you in as one of us but it won't be easy to leave the place you called home for so long along with your other friends and start again somewhere else, heck I'm still worried about moving in the first place" Ronnie Anne said.

Lincoln remained silent for a moment until he finally spoke again "Well maybe that's exactly what I need to get rid of most of the pain and I know this time I have the support of people who actually care about me for real."

"Well whatever happens, we're with you all the way Lame-o."

*A few weeks later*

Lincoln finally managed to get settled in with the Casagrandes in their new home and he and Bobby are bunking together and the rest of the family was more than willing to support Lincoln while he deals with his emotional crisis whether he wants to admit it or not. He would make effort to help out around the apartment when he and Ronnie Ann aren't in school even when the others told him that there was no need for him to do it but he insisted anyway. One night he couldn't sleep and went to the kitchen to get some water and clear his head only to find the lights already on and that Rosa was already in there.

"Dios mio Lincoln! Sorry did I wake you?"

"No I-I just couldn't sleep, why are you up at this hour."

"Ah I wasn't able to get much sleep either, I couldn't stop thinking what me and rest of la familia to help you."

"What do you mean, you already provided everything I would need for a new start."

"Come on Lincoln, when was the last time you had time for yourself and even talk about what happened before since you got here."

Lincoln stood there in silent as if he was deep in thought before he spoke again "I didn't want to feel like a burden again."

"Lincoln, you're not a burden to any of us, we might not be related by blood but we are still family through bond but we need you to trust us and open up besides family doesn't end in blood but it doesn't start there either, family cares about you, not what you can do for them family's there through the good, the bad-all of it, they got your back, even when it hurts that's family for you." Rosa quoted

Lincoln then looked at Rosa with a surprised look "Did you just quote Supernatural?"

"I binge watch it sometimes."

*chuckle* "You know it wasn't just about what happened during the case, I always felt like I wasn't gonna be somebody compared to former sisters because I never had my own special talent before and every time I try to do something to change that it all comes crashing down on me, all my life I just wanted to be special for once in a good way."

Rosa can see that look in Lincoln's eyes as if he was about to burst into tears so she slowly approached him with a warm hug "You are special in your own way just in a different form, you always manage to help others with their problems more than yourself, now please let us help you with yours and find your hidden talent as help together."

Lincoln started sobbing but then started to embrace Rosa's hug "t-thank you s-so much, Abuela."

From then on, Lincoln started to open up more and more and spent time with the rest of the Casagrande family and over time they helped him realized that he had a hidden passion and talent for drawing art, especially if it was comics and manga in anime style, and even learned how to defend himself when he needs to thanks to Carl and Ronnie Anne and Rosa taught Lincoln how to cook and he would volunteer to help out in the kitchen with her. Whenever Lincoln had a chance, he would try to enhance his new talent even further and eventually decided to go to college in Japan to specialize and get a job as a part-timer after classes and as a full-time artist after his finishes, his family were concerned about him attending school and living on his own in a different country on the other side of the globe but Rosa told them that it was his decision on where to attend college and that they will support him from afar while he's learning when the time comes.

*Years later, at the airport*

An 18-year old Lincoln Loud was now saying his goodbyes to his family before to departures off to Japan. Maria, Rosa, and Bobby was practically in tears seeing their beloved Lincoln who has come so far since the bad luck incident leaving to start again overseas.

"Well I admit, I'm gonna get lonely without you around the apartment Lame-o" Ronnie Anne said.

"Come on sis, you know I'll call every once in a while and besides you've got Sid by your side all the time."

Rosa wiped the tears off her face and stepped forward "I'm so proud of you Lincoln, I believed in you when I said you were special all those years ago and I was right and I managed to get something for you." Rosa then pulls out a envelope and gives it to Lincoln, he then opens it and sees 100,000 yen inside and Lincoln looked shocked.

"Abuela, I can't accept this."

"Nonsense Lincoln, you still need some cash to get by in Japan and I don't know how I'll be able to live knowing that you're in college without money to feed yourself and maybe have a warm meal."

"Yeah bro, I should know the feeling, I worked multiple part-time jobs while studying but I never wanted to ask for money unless it was an emergency but I don't want you to be working to the bone 24/7 so we all decided to pitch in and help you out bro."

Although Lincoln was hesitant, he knew they wouldn't let him say no to their gift "OK I'll accept your gift."

He noticed that it was almost time for his flight to leave so he gave everyone one last hug and head towards the gate and take his seat on the plane. "Well this is it, starting another life in Japan alone but prepared this time and have the emotion support of real family from the other side of the world, it's a little scary but exciting at the same time" Lincoln thought.

-To Be Continued-

(I might get to the Kamen Rider parts in the later parts, I'm just trying to get everything set up first so please bear with me on the story and please be patient on any updates as I work on this)

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