Ally and New Gear (Edited)

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*The Next Day*

Lincoln had finished getting ready for the day, he's now wearing a orange shirt under a black sleeveless jacket with blue jeans and black and white jordans, he was looking over the history of previous Kamen Riders on the tablet Riku gave him last night and found out there are a minimum of 39 Riders and coincidentally a new one appears each year but almost all information is classified for most people but since Riku's family is involved they have full access.

"Guess I'm the 40th Rider or something."

There wasn't much Lincoln can do on his free time considering he couldn't bring all of his stuff at the airport back home but he remembered that the cafe that Ryouma's friend runs is around and thought it couldn't hurt to check it out for a bit so he grabbed his phone and wallet and made his way there.


Lincoln was standing outside the cafe and can see that the place hadn't opened yet but there was someone inside cleaning and preparing everything, a middle-aged man with brown hair and a small beard and wearing a white shirt, black pants, glasses, and an apron .

"Well I doubt there's a better opportunity than now."

Lincoln walked in and the bell above the door caught the employee's attention.

"Oh I'm sorry but we're not open yet."

"Uh I'm not a customer, I'm Lincoln Loud, I came here looking for a job."

"Oh yeah, I got a call from Ryouma earlier about you working here."

"I'm curious, exactly what did he say about me."

"Ryouma told me that you're an American student attending college here and are looking for a part-time job that doesn't interfere with classes or anything and how you're Kamen Rider Cyrus but don't worry, I understand you don't want too many people knowing your identity so my lips are sealed."

"I appreciate it, I really don't want anyone I know back home finding out the things I got involved with for now."

"It's not a problem, I'm Hayate Sugo the owner of this cafe but even though I really want to hire you, officially I need to evaluate if you can handle the workload."

"Oh, alright then what do I need to do?"

"First, go in the back and change into the uniform."


Lincoln came back wearing the same outfit Hayate was wearing.

"Great I'm glad it fits, now it's still too early to open up so for now I want you to clean around to cafe and I'll judge how good you perform, no pressure."

"Not a problem."

Lincoln proceeded to to grab a wet towel and started to clean the tables and when that was done he then mopped the floors and did other chores around the cafe as well in a effective and swiftly matter, he had experience with clean before from helping around the apartment complex and the Mercado and somehow managed to clean everything within a matter of minutes and with an excellent job as well.

"Well done, I'm very impressed with how well and quickly you've clean everything and just in time too we're about to open, you're hired."

Throughout the day, everything was peaceful, having Lincoln working around the cafe put Hayate and his customers at ease with his calm presence and his work ethic made the day run by smoothly until closing time. Before leaving, Lincoln placed his uniform in his new locker and put his clothes back on and head back into the cafe where Hayate was waiting for him with a small brown envelope .

The Loud Rider, CyrusWhere stories live. Discover now