Revenge (Ransom POV)

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24 hours earlier

Was it wrong for me to invite her parents to her birthday party. Absolutely. I knew I had to hit her hard for her to get the message. She shouldn't be here. Our families are more fake then tits at a plastic surgeons office. They will smile with you one moment, then stab you in the back the next.

Seeing her reaction to her parents arrival almost killed me. The way her own parents treat her is disgusting. Even my parents whom by now must despise me have always given me a chance, even with my attitude.

How can someone with such a big heart be treated like gum on the bottom of a shoe. Heck, it's not like she wants their money, and her parents should appreciate the distance. They were just cocky assholes who enjoyed controlling their daughter.

"Ransom, a word in my office...NOW." Harlan ordered me to follow him.
I looked once over to Heylee, now regretting my choices of inviting her parents, then follow Harlan inside.

We enter the office and Harlan slams the door behind me.

" You have some nerve Hugh! What has that woman ever done to you to attack her like this?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"It's none of your business." I warn but he fights back.

"It is when you bring those filthy people into my house without telling anyone. You have no idea what's they've done to her over the years. There's reasons why she left them and its main reason was not about money." Harlans voice cracked with emotion. He turned so his face was turned to the window.

Thinking back over the years, I would never believed they would physically hurt her. I raised my eyes to him. "What do you mean by that?"

"If you need everyone to shout it out for you, then you must not be as smart as you think."

"Don't be so dramatic. She never mentioned anything..."

" You knew she loved you, and don't try to convince me you didn't either. I bet you never knew about how they arranged a marriage for her once she turned eighteen just in case their laundering went south. That man ended up marrying another billionaires daughter and put her in the hospital."

If what Harlan saying is true, then I had let those monsters back into her life. They are not the only monsters, I am too.

"Now, let that sink in before having the balls to return back to the party." Harlan opened the office and left. I can hear the party moving into the dining room, but I stay in the office thinking how I can fix all this.

I was about to head into the dining room when I heard something outside. The new motion light on the side of the house lit bright and the sound of someone running is enough for me to check it out.

Rushing to see if I can catch site of who was running it was too dark to see who ran across the back of the house. Hopefully someone was still out back to get a good look. When I turned back around something had tripped me, causing me to hit the gravel hard.

I groan and collected myself off the ground brushing off the white dust that the rocks makes on dark clothes.
When looking for what tripped me, my heart stopped.

Heylee laid on the ground, not moving with blood dripping off the right side of her head.
"Heylee! Heylee?!"
I went to wake her but only getting a moan and eyes that couldn't stay focused.
"Hey, Look at me. Can you hear me?" I ask, moving the hair away from her eyes to help her see me.

" Ransom?" Her voice pained, not louder then a whisper.
"Oh thank God. Heylee, who did this?" I asked, helping her keep her head steady. I don't want to move her, not knowing if shes hurt anywhere else.

"I..I don't know..." she whimpered, trying hard to stay awake. I look around once more to find any hints of who could have done this.

Whats going on? Keep reading and find out more!- LisaBGreen

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