Too Late

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Heylees POV

Every so often I looked at my phone, hoping Ransom was gonna call me so I could answer him. Anything to avoid the man in my safe space.

My mind told me to kick him out. For everything he's done and how I was nothing to him but his last name broke me for years. Now that I was finally in a good mindset he wants to make amends. My heart couldn't at least hope this was his attempt to try.

"Darling, please put your phone down so I could talk to you."
Cautiously I placed my phone up so I could see when someone was calling or texting.
"Could I have some water, Sweetheart."
I cautiously got up, looked for the cheapest cup I could offer him and filled the cup with sink water. I had a filtered bottle in the fridge but I didn't care.
When I came back he seemed at peace, something I haven't seen in a long time. He took a long sip, as if he's enjoying the water I offered him.

I decide to be brave, and take a sip of my hot coffee and prepare myself for what he has to say.

"How did you find me here?" I ask.
He holds his mug and shrugs. "Heylee... what happened the other night, your scared me. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt, even if its because of me. I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy, and I'm sorry to admit it, but a lot of that is because I separated myself from you and mother. The way you raised me...wasn't fair."

He nodded. "I can't agree with you, Heylee. We had needs for you to meet, and you...being a child that you are... got scared and ran away from us."

His voice became harsh and cruel. This is the man I remember. " It was my life to live, My CHOICE! Not for you to decide for me how I lived it."
"I will always do what's best for this family..." he said, his voice calm and cold, which started to make me worried.

I can't take anymore of this, and I get up from the couch and prepare to make him leave.
"I...need leave." Woah, I feel a heavy rush to my head, causing me to sway where I stood.
" Darling, are you alright?" Father asks me, the calm still floods off of him.

"What... what's happening to me?" I ask myself as my vision doubles. I hear ringing in my ears and my eyes look to the table to see my phone ringing. I cam make out two B's, and I know its Blanc. I go to reach for it when im pulled away quickly.

"It looks like you are feeling faint...why don't we move you to the bathroom in case you feel sick."my father grabs my arm and drags me into my bathroom. Somehow, my legs give way but instead of falling, he catches me and lays me in the tub. Why is he laying me here?

He pulls out all the pills I have in the medicine chest,which he gets angry and throws all of them into the tub, not realizing most of them are various vitamins and iboprophen.

He pulls out an envelope with plain paper which he uses my hand and forces it to write something I can't make out. I can still hear my phone ringing from the other room and I can't help but call out.

" Help...Please." I beg for anyone but the man in front of me but my vision dims and I do everything I can
to stay awake.

" With a history like ours, how are you not addicted to anything?" My father mutters to himself and pulls out a pill bottle from his pocket and pours the pills out. Small pink pills scatter on the floor. He rubs the orange bottle over my fingers, probably hoping it looks like I overdose on pills.

He's making it look like I committed suicide.

He reaches for the faucet and turns the cold water on, then drops the plug in the drain, causing the tub to fill quickly.

"Ransom..."I cry for him as the water reaches my shoulders. He can't lose me, not now.
The last thing I see before my eyes close is the joy in my fathers face, thinking he's won.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way, darling." He said, kissed my forehead before the water could reach my face.
"Goodbye, Heylee." My father whispers as I feel the cold water engulf me.

Oh no.....Will Ransom make it in time?!?!?- LisaBGreen

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