Never Changes, Does it?

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Heylees POV
The family all waited outside as the officers walked Fran to the car and placed her inside the back seat.
"Do you believe what she's saying?" I asked Blanc who was getting ready to escort Fran back to the station for questioning.
" Honestly, Yes. I believe throwing Ransom as the suspect was her last chance to steer me away from believing it was her."

My body flooded with goosebumps from the autumn air hitting my skin.
"Then that means Im still not out of the woods."
"I'd suggest going to your apartment, collecting a few things and staying here."
I shook my head "I can't, I have to go back to work, My students need me."

Harlan looked over Ransom, whom he then said.
"I can stay with you. Until all of this is figured out maybe we should stay close."
"And I can patrol outside your apartment if you would like. Perhaps see if it could be someone from your work place that knows Fran?"
I shook my head. " I work in the next town over, Fran probably wouldn't know anyone who didn't have money."
Blanc hummed to himself. "Well, I believe thats what best. Have Ransom stay with you till we can sort this out."

I looked at Ransom, guilt flooded my soul.
"You don't have to. They said they can have someone watching my place."
" There's no arguing. I'm going with you." He made point not to change his mind.

"You have a life, Ransom. You don't have to follow me around like a lost puppy. I can handle myself."
He scuffed. "Yeah, I can see how well that worked out with you before."
He realized his words too late when I sighed, shook my head by his statement then walked back inside with him calling after me.

I stomped my feet inside and started collecting my things. He came into my room cautiously.
" Look, Im sorry. That was not what I meant."

I nodded but still gathered my things into my bag.
He scuffed, loudly and shaking his head at my stubborn jab to ignore him."You not gonna talk to me now?"

I looked up to lock eyes with him.
"Sucks doesn't it. Thinking back all those years ago when I tried to talk to you and you just shot me down." Im in a rage. I know any second all of my feelings are gonna come out. I need to keep my cool or I won't be able to leave.

"I said I wasn't asking for your forgiveness. Just another chance."

"Ransom,I had given you a chance. Over, and over I gave you opportunities. But you held that grudge against me about my parents so broke my trust for you. And now, the second I believe I can trust you again, you belittle me. Thats not how I want this to work."

He looked at me. "Then what is this?"
I shrugged then grabbed my bag and walked out of the bedroom.
" I don't know. I just need going home and have some time by myself for a bit."

I leaned up, kissed his cheek softly.

I walked out of the house and to Harlan. I hugged him, and thanked him as well.
"He'll come around. He's too pig headed at the moment to realize the obvious."
I nodded, then hugged Marta. She mentions making plans for us to meet up during the week and see her mother and sister which I happily obliged.

Meg pulls up and rushes to me and engulfs me in a big hug. " Where are you going?"

"Home. It's time I go back to my students, and my reality. You know this lifestyle isn't me, Meg." I tell her,

Blanc informs me that there will be an officer outside my house when I arrive to my apartment. That he would inform me of anyone posing a threat.

I get into my car, start it and pull away trying to not like I was desperate to leave. I kept looking behind me, hoping to see Ransom following me, but I never saw his car.

Thirty minutes later, I make it back home. One of the police officers in the squad car informs me that he's working the day shift and that if I need anything to call, as he hands me his number.

I keep my duffle bag at the door and walk over to my bedroom. I can't help but lay in my bed, look up at the ceiling and think about the last few days with Ransom.

If those were gonna be the last of us, at least I got some time back with him.

But knowing Ransom, not having me around may bring him back to his old ways of being cruel and snippy.

No one is ever gonna change him. He needs to change for himself, not anyone else, and if this is how he likes his life...perhaps im not suited for being with him.

Just when I feel like Im ready to move on, I hear a knocking on my door.
Looking through the peep hole I see the back of Ransom. I scuff and open the door.

"Ransom, what are you..." Before I could finish my sentence Ransom pulled me close and grabbed my neck and kissed me.
"You drive me fucking crazy." He sighs as he continues to kiss me and confess to me.
"You prove to me over and over that you are much stronger then me. I tried to stay away from you, but you always come back. I try to let you go, but you still hold onto me. I'm a drowning man...and you...Heylee you are my life jacket."

His hand moves down from my neck to my chest where his fingers graze over my heart, which he could probably feel cause its pounding through my skin.

"Tell me to leave, cause if you don't...I won't be able to hold myself back." He warns me, his hands touching any place he can reach.
"Ransom..." I moan, feeling the resistance myself.
"Tell me to leave...please." His words sound painful. Like he knows if he stays he will hurt me more...
But I want the pain.
"Stay with me" I breathe and within seconds my feet leave the ground and wrap around Ransom. He pushes me to the wall causing a heavy moan, which he catches in a kiss. His body so close to mine it hits at the right places.

He carries me into my bedroom and sits me on my bed. I pull at his pants and he tugs my sweater off. He pulls his shirt off and my jaw drops. He is so defined that I begin to feel insecure. Bringing my own hands go to cover my chest he senses my uneasiness and lays me down, holding my hands above me, causing my breasts to lift close to his face.

"Don't hide from me, Heylee. Not're mine, and you're perfect."

Sorry- I left it here cause Idon't write those kind of scenes im gonna let you guys enjoy your own vision of what happens next. Stay tuned for another chapter soon :)- LisaBGreen

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