Late Night Visitor

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Heylee s POV

After getting home from Harlan's late, I went right into a warm bath. Working a full day then taking hours to tutor wore me out.

I really hope Meg does good on her test tomorrow. She's put so much work into learning the concept but this new math is outrageous. I don't see it lasting more the five years with the kids having a difficult time.

Sinking further into the hot water I enjoy listening to my music. Matchbox twenty fills the bathroom and I sing softly till I get a notification.

Possibly:Random Drysdale
Next time you see my car at the manor don't even think of coming inside

What? How did he get my number?
My wet fingers fumble with the texts but I finally manage with a response.

I'm sorry but last I checked I worked for Harlan, not you.

Knowing this wasn't going to be the end of it, I switched to Airplane mode, knowing I can at least enjoy the rest of my bath without being swamped with rude texts.

Twenty minutes the water got cold so I get out and put on my robe. I blew out the candles, cleaned up the water on the floor then walked to by bedroom.

I was about to get changed into my pajamas when a loud knock shook me to my core. Looking at the time it was close to midnight.

Rushing to the door quietly I look through the peep hole and I scuffed.
"I know you're in there." He yelled through my front door. His face was angry and flustered.
"Let me in or I'll start banging on your neighbors door." He threatened, which made me unlock my door.

His once angry demeanor is now a smug smirk and he hung his arm above my door frame. His eyes skimmed me up and down, causing me to tighten my hold on my robe.

"Do you know what time it is? You could have called me!" I tried to argue, but he pushed through my entryway reminding me that my phone was turned off. He moved throughout the living room and overlooked everything I've done to the place. Picking up things with just the tips of his fingers, making gross faces making it look like I lived in a dump.

"What do you want, Ransom?" I asked once more, moving into the kitchen and put on a pot of water.
He turned back to me, and approached me so quickly that I wasn't expecting it. He pinned me against the wall of the pantry and stared me down.

"I told you...I don't want you helping our family. Meg can get tutoring from someone more...qualified."

I scuffed and tried to push him off me, but he was stronger then me. I puffed up my chest and tried to show my own strength."I am qualified. You just don't like me, and like I texted you earlier I work for Harlan."

I go to turn the other way but his hand hits the door next to my head causing me to jump. When I moved to tell him to get out his hand gripped my chin hard, keeping my face steady and on him so he can get right in my face.
"Get one thing straight, Heylee...You are not one of us. You are not a Thrombey, or a Drysdale. You are nothing."

His eyes, which at one point found to be warm and caring are colder then the dead of winter. This is not Hugh Ransom Drysdale from when I was younger. The kind kid who would hang out with me and would have grand adventures with. Most likely cause his dad told him what my family done with their scandal, almost bringing their own family down.

"I don't need you to remind me I'm nothing... I already know." I whispered, letting a tear drip from my eye. The emotion caught Ransom off guard enough for me to push him aside and marched back to my door to show him the way out.

"Leave Hugh...Would't want my poor life rubbing on you." I warned.

His feet stomped out of my apartment and made its way to the door and gave me one last warning. "I mean it, leave us alone."
" I will... when Harlan says my services are no longer necessary." I said, leaving him in the halls of my apartment as I slammed the door in his face.

His shoes were easy to hear as they continued their heavy way down to the stairway and out the front door.
I locked all the locks once more and turned off the lights in the living room. The bedroom was empty but the feeling of being watched creeped through my bones. Quickly I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

Ransoms POV

Ever since I was young, I was always forced to be friends with Heylee. We grew up going to the same schools, getting invited to the same parties, and being her best friend till we reached High School.

It wasn't until Heylee graduated I got to see the real her. She wasn't into being flashy or rich at all. She always wanted me to understand what it was like to live without money. I called her crazy, that she needed to get her head checked.

But I was fooling myself. No one was more beautiful then she was. She could wear a trash bad in the rain and she would still be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. No matter how many women I've slept with to get the image of her out of my head, no one could match her.

But what her parents did almost destroyed us. If it wasn't for my father catching on to what they were doing we may have been in bankruptcy too. Last I heard they were trying to save their last few millions with investments. Even Heylee grandmother removed them from her inheritance.

I know I needed to keep Heylee out of our lives. They would destroy her worse then her own family done. I know Harlans plan, He's planning on removing everyone from his inheritance as well. Heck, He was stupid enough to tell me he wants to give the whole thing to Marta and Heylee. Knowing Heylee she's waiting for him to croak so she can get her life started without ever having to work again...but I can't let that happen.

Taking out my phone I make a phone call.....

This was more of a character building filler chapter, but Stick around, fun things are about to happen....- LisaBGreen

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