I can't lose you

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Ransoms POV

Blanc continues to call Heylees phone over and over with getting no response. Im breaking all the laws of the road and passing cars and speeding, but Blanc assures me that we can go faster and run the lights.

Something is wrong, I feel it in my gut.
Im angry with the fact that there was still no police outside the apartment. I don't care where I put the car as long as I can make it inside the apartments.

I see him. Gregory McKinsley getting ready to walk through the apartment building. When he sees me rush toward him, he pulls the complex doors closed and locks them from the other side. Blanc is already on the run to the back of the building to stop him from leaving as I try anyway I can to get inside.

I shove my shoulder into the door and it opens easily.
Taking three steps at a time I make it to the third floor quickly. Heylees door is locked from the inside, and I don't care how I get inside as long as I can get in quickly. I kick the door open easy and rush inside, calling her over and over, hoping shes ok.

When I make it into the kitchen I notice the floor is soaked in water. Looking around I see it coming from the bathroom.

When I rush inside, I find the tub overflowing and a silhouette of Heylee in the tub.
"Heylee!" I yell, hoping she hears me, hoping she knows im here.
I reach into the water and I curse at how it freezes my skin. When I pull her out, her lips are a shade of blue that worries me. How long was she under the water?

I lay her on the ground and lean down, hoping to see her breathing. She's not.
I pinch her nose and blow two big breaths into her mouth. I look and see, but nothing is happening. She shows no signs of breathing.
I push down on her chest, trying to remember how to give CPR. I feel like I'm hurting her, but I'd rather her be in pain then be dead. She can't die.
" Breath baby. Take a breath for me. Come on."
I stop and give her two more breaths, then continue pumping her heart.
"Come on, Heylee. Don't fucking do this!"
Flashes of our lives fill my head. Us playing as kids, teen teenagers, then me teasing her as adults...
Someone is trying to pull me off of her, but I fight them. "Get off me!"
"Ransom, stop! I have paramedics here." Blanc tells me. How long have I been breathing for her? The fact that I don't know scares me.
"Please, HeyHey...breathe." I beg, holding her head in my hands, and in that moment I see her twitch. Her body looks like its fighting itself and finally she couch's up water and takes a shaky breath.
"Yes, baby. Breathe! I've got you." I hold her until I'm informed to lay her back down for the paramedics to help her.

When the ambulance pulls into the ER, They warn me that I can't follow, and Im livid. She needs me, but I know there's nothing more I could do, I'd just be in the way.

It's been about four hours since we arrived back to the hospital. They did multiple tests on her and were most concerned for the cold water entered her lungs. Being in the water caused her temperature to drop below average so they wanted to bring it back up as quickly as they safely could.

I paced the waiting room for information. Going back and forth with the family going over everything the doctors tell me made the time feel slow.

After waiting for three hours the doctors were confident to move her out of the ER and into ICU for observation.

When they lead me into her room, I warned them that I wanted only the best doctors they had on staff. I didn't care how much it costs, I wanted her to recover as best as she could.

Then when I saw her laying on the hospital bed, my heart shattered more then I thought it ever could.
She had multiple wires attached to her, hooked up to several machines that monitored her heart rate and blood pressure. Oxygen through her nose to help her breathe and a sensor across her forehead to monitor her temperature.

For a strong brave women, she looked so small and fragile on this bed.
I sat in a chair next to her bed and gently took her hand in mine, rubbing small circled around her knuckles and squeezing her fingers gently, hoping she knows im here for her when shes ready to wake up.

I felt something shake me awake. I looked at Heylee hoping it was her but she remained sleeping.
"Sorry, its just me." Blanc steadies me as I lift my head off the bed. Looking at Heylee now shes gotten most of the color back to her face and her temperature has returned to normal.

Blanc arrivtakes a seat next to me. "How's she doing?"
I sigh. "Doctors are confident shes gonna wake up by morning. Whatever her dad gave her was strong and even pumping her stomach she had enough in her system to run its course."
He nods.
" Did you arrest that piece of shit?"
"Oh yes. He's already trying to bail himself out, but he was sloppy. His DNA is everywhere in that apartment."
I shake my head, disgusted for what he did to Heylee.
"I want to kill him myself."
"I highly doubt Ms. McKinsley wants you in a prison cell next to her father, so why don't we ex-nay on murdering for the moment."
Flashes of hours earlier brims my eyes with tears.

"You didn't hold her, Blanc....You didn't feel how cold she was. How she stopped breathing. Have you ever held the person you love more then anything in your arms, thinking you would never get to kiss them, or hold them again? What would you give for one more chance...that could have been my last chance." The words make my heart race, knowing if anything stopped us from getting there, she would be dead.

Something tightened around my hand which caught me off guard. Looking down it was Heylee who even while sleeping she held my in assurance that she was okay. That we would be okay.
"I'm here, HeyHey." I whispered to her and kissed the temple of her forehead.

Heylees pov
I feel so cold. All I want is to be hiking in the mountains in the springtime with the sun hitting my skin. The only warmth I feel is in my hand. I grip it tight not wanting the warmth to leave.

My eyes ache as well as my entire body. I feel like I slept for days with no energy to move or even open my eyes. I try to turn my head but its so stuff that I moan in frustration. Muffled voices fill my head and I can't tell if its my own or someone else's.

I struggle but my eyes finally will themselves open and the blurred man I recognize. It's Ransom, MY Ransom. If there was anyone who I would want with me most right at this moment, it was him and he's here, and I can breathe again.

"You're safe." He promises me, and I hold that promise as long as I can.

YaY!!!! The story is gonna get a happy ending!!!! Thank you for everyone whose followed along! Please leave a comment in the next(last) chapter letting me know what you thought of this story!

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