Benoit Blanc Investigates

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Heylee POV

For the last two days, Marta was checking on me every three hours. If I were sleeping she would wake me gently enough for me to respond then let me rest, unlike in the hospital when they would encourage me to sleep but then wake me abruptly with turning on lights and almost yelling into my ears.

If it had to be between here and the hospital, I'm glad Ransom took me here.
I still have horrible headaches but the nausea and double vision has subsided significantly. Marta was pleased with how fast I was recovering.

She took my heart rate and my blood pressure when I heard a knock on the door. Ransom waited for me to invite him in, which I nodded and waved him in. Behind him was an older man with sandy blond hair and eyes so blue a lady could get lost in.

" Please excuse me, ladies. I am Detective Benoit Blanc. Which one of you lovely ladies is Heylee McKinsley?"

Both Marta and I looked at each other in confusion, but I turned back and pointed to myself.
"I'm Heylee McKinsley. Please to meet you Detective Blanc."

"Pleasure is all mine, Miss McKinsley. Now, I assume you know what my purpose for being here?"
I nod, knowing I'm going to have to go into detail about what happened here two nights ago.

"And you, I believe you are Miss Marta Cabrera, Harlan Thrombeys nurse."
She nods and swallows hard. "Yes, I am."

I know shes nervous for the fact that he could find out that her family are here illegally, but I look at her with a small smile, hopefully making her nerves come down.

Detective Blanc walked over to me and took a seat in the chair next to the bed and pulled out a note pad and a pen.
"If it is alright with you...I would like you to go over everything that happened the night of the attack."

I took a look at Ransom whom looked like he wanted to be there as well, which surprising me enough made me more comfortable.

"I think I'm going to check on Harlan if thats okay?" Marta asked politely which I nodded, thanking her once again for all shes done.

"I guess its best to get this over and done with." I sighed.
Ransom took the seat from the desk and placed it next to the edge of the bed where my feet hung.
" Only do this if you want to, no ones pressuring you." He noted.
Hesitantly, I placed my hand on top of his and nodded. " We need to know who did this." I replied honestly then looked back at the detective giving him my ok to start.

"Ok, and whenever you need a break, or feel its too much to go over just tell us. I don't want to push you, alright?"
I nod and take a deep breath.
Blanc nodded and settled back in the chair bringing the pen to the notepad."Lets go back to the night of your birthday. You walked into the house. Was anything different?"

I shook my head. "No, everyone was outside waiting for me. I came in through the front and walked through the sitting area, through the kitchen, then around to the patio. Thats where the party was. It was a surprise for me. I had no idea what was going on."

I watched him write down the details in his notepad then turned his blue eyes back to me.
"Who did  you spoke with during that time? Did anything seem different or odd?"
I closed and recalled everything that happened.
I explained that I waved at everyone, Thanked Harlan for the party, spoke to Marta and then Ransom.

I thought about my parents and stared at my hands, beginning to pick at the skin around the edges, Something I did when I became stress.
"I...wasn't expecting my parents to be there. We've been estranged for some time."
Blanc flipped the notepad closed and looked at me sincerely. " That must have been hard to go through."

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