Chapter Four | The Swamp

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Appa flies over a swamp Sokka sharpens his sword, Katara reads her book and Hope meditates. Her recent dabbling in blood bend has left her fighting with her own mind.

Her father said it was dangerous and she didn't listen she used blood bending and she didn't want to stop. She promised herself that she would only use it if they were in danger.

Unexpectedly she feels Appa start flying down towards the swamp and everyone looks at Aang "Hey, you taking us down for a reason?..." Aang doesn't answer "...Aang why are we going down?"

Aang looks around confused and Hope takes the time to see how close to the ground they are "What? I didn't even notice"

Appa starts going down once again and Hope speaks up "Aang are you noticing it now?"

Appa keeps flying down making Katara move towards Aang and sitting next to him "Is something wrong?"

Aang seems in trace while looking at the swamp "I know this is going to sound weird, but I think the swamp is calling to me"

Sokka holds his stomach and Hope already knows what he's going to say " Is it telling you where we can get something to eat?"

There was a 50-50 chance of what comes out of Sokka's mouth and it was ether about food or nonsense "I don't know, Bumi said to learn earthbending I would have to wait and listen, and now I'm actually hearing the earth, Do you want me to ignore it?"

Hope, Sokka, Katara and Momo all look down at the forest and they all can feel the eerie atmosphere. Hope knew this was important "I think you should listen to it"

Sokka gives Hope a dumbfounded look "You want to go into this creepy looking swamp?"

Hope looks down again and grimaces before looking back to Sokka with a fake smile "If that's where Aang is being called to then yes"

"I don't know, There's something ominous about that place"

Momo comes and hides in Hope's bag and Appa groans gently "See, even Appa and Momo don't like it here"

Aang sighs in defeat "Okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this, bye swamp..." Aang manoeuvres the saddle handles "Yip! Yip!"

Appa starts flying away and Hope is grateful that Aang didn't listen to her input and go into the swamp. Hope starts feeling more wind but thinks it's because of the flying but Sokka speaks up "You better throw in an extra "yip"! We gotta move!"

They all turn and see a tornado coming straight for them making Appa fly faster but isn't fast enough. The tornado starts sucking him in and Sokka is nearly blown off the saddle until Hope grabs onto him.

Aang comes and uses his air bending to protect the group but it's not enough and they are stuck in. Everyone falls to the ground with a bit of a this but thankfully the group are uninjured "Where's Appa and Momo?"

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