Chapter Eight | Hope

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Team Avatar had an eventful couple of days by going to a hidden library that revealed how they could beat the fire nation. An eclipse was happening in a couple of months and the fire nation would lose its bending.

When they were at the library Appa was taken from them and there was a moment when Aang went a little crazy but Katara calmed him down. Thankfully they were all on good terms with each other and Toph was back and teaching Aang.

Hope had been watching Toph's style of fighting and was hoping to put it into her style of bending. Her father said plenty of times that to master your element you must watch and listen to other element benders.

Aang had start his training with Topgh while Katara and Hope watched and then would spar afterwards. They were currently on their way to Ba Sing Se to get Appa back "Waterbending bomb! Yeah!"

Katara jumps into the lake and Hope makes a cover for Sokka so the maps don't get wet he looks quickly to Katara "Can you be more careful there five thousand-year-old maps from the spirit library, you don't need to splash some water on 'em"

Katara comes out of the water and wrings out her hair "Sorry"

Hope doesn't miss the blush on Aang's cheeks when looks at Katara but quickly distracts himself "So, did you figure out what route we're going to take?"

Sokka quickly brings the maps back into view and starts to show everyone "Okay, we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here and we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here, it looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass"

Hope grimaces and looks around "We can't take that route it's too dangerous, only the people who are desperate and can't get past the ferries take that route, there must be another way"

Sokka shook his head as he gathered the maps once again and put them away "It's the only way I mean, it's not like we have Appa to fly us there and we don't have our-"

Katara is quick to cut him off and whispers to him so Aang can't hear "Shush up about Appa, can't you at least try to be sensitive?"

Katara obviously did a terrible job at whispering because Aang speaks up "Katara, it's okay, I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse"

"Well Appa is in Ba Sing Se and we will get him back again"

Aang gives Hope and an appreciative smile and everyone starts gathering their stuff that's until some refugees arrive "Hello there, fellow refugees!"

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