Chapter Seven | Fire

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Hope sits on the back of Appa as the gang looks at her confused and tired after the long few days of being chased. It seems even after being imprisoned Hope looks the best out of all of them "So the girl is a princess, princess Azula to be exact and she is after Aang but she treated you well because she wanted you to join her"

Hope thinks for a moment if there was anything she missed out before turning to Katara with a smile "Yes she was going on about us conquering the world but I declined and figured out that she was chasing you then I escaped when the machine stopped and a guard said they found you"

They all stare blankly at Hope and Hope didn't know why she summed it up to them being tired "She said she wants you two to conquer the world?"

"Yes? And I was thinking about taking the offer"

Apps suddenly swerved and everyone including Aang was in front of Hope "What!?!"

Hope instantly starts to defend herself since what she said sounded bad "No not to be evil with her but to bring her to the good side, think about it Aang already has an earth bender to teach him bending and he has a water bender and now all he needs is..."


Hope claps her hands frightening the four in front of her and points to Katara excitedly "Yes! Azula is obviously one of the best firebenders there is, if we bring her to the good side it solves two problems, Aang gets a master and she stops chasing us"

The team look as if they are thinking it over before Aang stands up shaking his head "It's too dangerous, Azula is clearly unstable"

Hope definitely agreed with that, she was obviously some sort of narcissist and might have had abandonment issues "I just need to speak with her"

"That's just crazy, if you get close to her she sends those blue flames at you"

Hope sighs at Sokka's words as she looks out to the sky "You guys should try and get some sleep"

Sokka and Toph immediately lie down but Katara is a bit more hesitant until Sokka says "Finally"

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Hope watches as Appa's shedding falls off him and leaves a trail "Um guys I think I found out how they are tracking us"

Sokka, Toph and Katara come and look where Hope is looking "How? I can't see I'm blind"

Hope's brows furrow until she looks at Toph and almost face palms "Appa is shedding it's leaving a trail, I think we need to stop"

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