Chapter Nine | The Date

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The group watches as the serpent roars once again and Hope and Aang are the first to react. Hope makes a water tornado around her to go after the monster while Aang flies in the air.

Hope uses the less dangerous option of water bending and uses a water whip compared to an ice blade. Aang was sending gusts of wind at the monster as they distracted it from the others.

She uses the whip and the serpent responds by smashing the ice trail that Katara has made for everyone. Toph falls into the water and she starts failing around "Help! I can't swim!"

Hope would of helped but it looks like Lin was first too Toph so she keeps the serpent back with a wave of water. Now that everyone was back on land Katara, Hope and Aang made a tornado around the serpent.

With the force of the tornado, the monster slams into the side of the mountain before swinging away. Everyone apart from Ariel cheers as the watch the monster swim back in the ocean and they continue there walk.

Not long after they all see the walls of Ba Sing Se "There's the wall! Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se"

Their all about to walk on but Ying holds her stomach in pain "Oh no, the baby is coming!"

Sokka eyes widen and is quick to become panicked "What? Now? Can't you hold it in or something?"

Katara puts a hand on Sokka's shoulder and it stops his failing around "Sokka, calm down, I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home Aang, get some rags. Sokka, water, Toph, I need you to make an earth tent, a big one"

"I can help also, I've done it plenty of times in the north"

Katara gives Hope a nod and everyone grabs the things that were asked of them Ying, Than, Hope and Katara go into the tent.

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One baby later and one goodbye later Katara and Aang stand outside the tent "I thought I was trying to be strong but really I was just running away from my feelings seeing this family together, so full of happiness and love, it's reminded me how I feel about Appa ... and how I feel about you"

Katara sheds a few tears and embraces Aangad Hope turns away and walks with Ariel "Do you have any siblings?"

Ariel has a small smirk on her face "I have an older brother we aren't really on speaking terms but he is family, how about you?"

Hope wished she had siblings. Someone to teach and have fun with "I'm an only child, why aren't you speaking with your brother"

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