Chapter 15: Cover Me

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The times are tough now, just getting tougher
This whole world is rough, it's just getting rougher
Cover me, come on baby, cover me
Well I'm looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me

"Cover Me" - Bruce Springsteen

There was a celebratory mood that greeted him on deck as he and Hangman got out of their planes, and Rooster was gratified to see that Hangman was fine. Of course he was, Rooster thought, in droll amusement. But he was also concerned with the status of Christmas and Kraken and gave perfunctory grins and hand shakes on his way to meeting up with Hangman on the way to the debriefing.

Christmas was okay. He had been fished out of the ocean, and was being taken to medical, although he was told it was merely routine. Rooster was glad to see Kraken in the debriefing, but she was looking a bit rattled. He could see that she was still running on adrenaline. Once he was confident that his team was okay, he was impatient for the debriefing to be over.

Hangman had said that he would explain what he meant about not wanting to be Team Leader after the mission, but Rooster hadn't had a chance to think about it. But now it pressed on his mind.

Hangman had suggested that Rooster should know his reasons after they flew, but Rooster still didn't have a clue after thinking about it in the short time he had from the locker room to the debriefing. He was abruptly brought back to the debriefing when Warlock said, "That was some fancy flying out there, Rooster...Hangman." He nodded to each of them in turn. "I'm sorry that the disruptor pulse didn't work."

"It put us in a damn difficult position," Hangman said irritably, "to have the coms go out."

"Then we were lucky it was the two of you that it went out on," Warlock said soothingly, "since you handled it so well."

Hangman gave Rooster a fist bump. "Of course we did," he said, the arrogant smile lifting the corner of his mouth.

"Rooster, give us a description of what was going on in your mind up there. I know I'm putting you on the spot, but if you can give us a briefing on drones and how to combat them. I know you are the subject matter expert at this point. We are attempting to link with Rear Admiral Cain on the vid as well."

Rooster stood and briefed the team on his knowledge of drones and the reasoning for his actions, but his thoughts went awry for a moment when his eyes met Hangman's and noticed the expression on his face. It wasn't the usual haughty look on his face. Instead, he looked pleased as punch, like he had a secret that he was hiding. Rooster almost expected him to raise his hand and jump up and down in his seat, like a child in class who knew the answer and Rooster had to force back a laugh as he imagined it. He brought his thoughts back to his line of discussion after what he hoped was seen as a thoughtful pause.

Admiral Cain, callsign "Hammer" but known among the pilots as "The Drone Ranger" wasn't available for video conferencing. They would have his opinion another time, so Rooster finished his talk.

When he felt that he had given them what they needed to know, and had answered the many question and comments from the team, Cyclone cut in, his dark eyes piercing. "What I want to know, what I want to hear, is how the two of you managed to coordinate your strike without the com." He looked at one, then the other before deciding. "Hangman?"

Hangman looked thoughtful, and was quiet for a moment before answering. "I don't know if I can answer that, sir," he finally said.

"Explain," Cyclone demanded.

"I just did what needed to be done. I didn't think, I just flew. I just did what Rooster needed me to do."

"And how did you know that?" Cyclone asked.

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