Chapter 16: I Want to Hold Your Hand

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Oh, yeah, I'll tell you somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand

"I Want to Hold Your Hand" - The Beatles

While Rooster was away on the mission, Pete had settled into a rhythm. He had decided that he would mostly hold off on working on the Hellcat and save most of the work for the times that he could work on it together with Bradley. That meant waiting until he got back. When Bradley did get back, the time spent on the Hellcat would be mostly on an afternoon on the weekend, or occasionally for a short time during the week. It was tough for Pete to wait, so in the meantime he had priced and found parts, got supplies and did some small things while waiting for Bradley to have time.

He was busy enough anyway. He had moved back into the Airstream to give Penny back her space. He regimented his day as he would have if he was working. He was up well before Penny since she worked at The Hard Deck until late, and slept later that he liked to. He worked out in the morning while she was still asleep. Certain days he would go for a run. Other days were weights at the MWR. He now spent an hour before lunch, reading. His reading material was usually about sailing, but he had recently discovered the Jason Bourne series and found reading to be much more enjoyable than he expected. He was at The Hard Deck for a few hours before the evening rush every day, doing what he could to help out. It was mostly time to spend with Penny, but he found that he continued to like being a part of the crew and contributing to something bigger. But even then, he still left by the time the rush started.

Pete thought that there was something different about Bradley when he returned from the last mission, the one that went badly. After that mission, Bradley was quiet, introspective. But after this recent mission, he had a confidence about him, and the smile was back. Pete knew better than to ask about the mission. He knew it must have gone well. Bradley hadn't told him anything other than "It was crazy and unexpected, but it went really well." That's my boy, Pete thought, that's my Rooster. I knew he had it in him.

Today they were working on the Hellcat together, and Pete thought he was being sly when he asked about Hangman.

"He's good. He's always good," Bradley grinned in reply, a light coming on in his eyes, that spoke of more than just the success of the last mission. "In fact, would it be okay if he came to help out sometimes? He loves these old planes. You should have seen how excited he was when I told him I would be co-owner. Well, as excited as Hangman shows."

"So...back together?...and things are going well?" Pete asked, trying not to show his concern as he dismantled a part, trying to remember how the parts went together so that he could put it back when it was time. He still thought the guy was a dick. "He's treating you well?"

"Yeah, he treats me as well as I could hope. I think we're good together," Bradley said, spraying a solvent on some bolts that were locked. "We have a good time together."

As well as he could hope? Pete thought. What's that supposed to mean? That's a qualifier that I'm not sure I like.

He decided to give Bradley a little fatherly advice. "The question to ask yourself is not how good of a time you have when things are going well. The question is if you will be there for each other when things are not going well. When you are not feeling well. When you are grumpy. When you are sad. When things aren't going right. When you are tired. The question is if you can be there for each other."

Bradley was silent for a long time, and Pete wasn't sure if he was even going to respond. Bradley tapped on the nut, wiped some of the loosened grease off. Finally he spoke. "I thought about that a lot the last time you told me something like that. I've been thinking about it since. For a while I thought Hangman was just an ass. For a long time. But then I got to know him better. I got to know the guy underneath the show. I think that guy is a good guy." Bradley wiggled the bolt he was working on. He added, "I can take care of myself, Mav."

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