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SULANI SAT IN HER BACKYARD with Jayla and Tweet. Just planning out what they were going to do this week to promote their partnerships and things like that. AP was out of town for the next couple of days with Missy Elliot while D was on set for a new movie. They would've bought the other three but had been convinced that they needed to branch out more solo.

"So, Tweet. We were talkin' to Zari about puttin' some of your products in her next week." Sulu mentions leaning back with the pen in her hand.

"Oh word ? That's dope. Why she ain't never told me ?" He asked arching an eyebrow

"Because we were talkin' about it yesterday." Jayla snickers.

"Bet.. that's coo." Tweet nods, "Whatever she do, I'll make sure Ima have some products out."

"Alright bet." Sulani nods writing down the information, "You got anything' for us ?"

Tweet smirks, "Actually, I do."

"Lay it down." Jayla nods leaning on the table.

"I'm thinkin' since y'all pretty.." Tweet starts off.

"Aw, thank you." Jayla cooes in the middle of his statement.

"Y'all can do that AI trend that's goin' on." He continues.

Her face fell flat as she shook her head, "Hell nah."

"Ouuu balloon. Pop Pop Pop." Sulani jokes just like the video that she had seen on her Tik Tok plenty of times, "Yes yes yes."

Tweet laughs.

"Uh uh." Jayla shakes her head, "Leave it to that lady and that lady only. I can't see myself takin' that serious."

"Nah, I think y'all should try it." Tweet jokes with a head nod

"Cut it out." Jayla playfully squints at him.

"Aight but, y'all know where Galore at ? Told me she was gone pull up but ain't say when." He asked the two wondering where she was.

"No." Jayla answers, "She ain't tell us she was goin' somewhere earlier." 

"Let's call her." Sulani insists pulling out her phone. She scrolls through her recent contact for a second and stops at Galore's contact where she would dial her on Facetime.

She waited a few seconds for the phone to ring and watched as it connected for a minute, indicating that Galore had answered. The screen froze for a minute until Galore's face popped up with a smile.

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