What happens when your favorite celebrity tries to punk an upcoming artist.... Will he pull through ? Or will she show him that she's not one to play with ?
Step into the life of 'Galore' in "Internetshows", to find out more.
Based off of the imagi...
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GALORE'S EYEBROWS FURROWED IN CONFUSION as her two bestfriends stared at her with goofy smiles on their face. Sulani and Jayla had an idea on Galore's whereabouts lately and was just waiting off her to spill the tea.
It was no secret, to the group, that Galore and Chris were hanging out more than usual lately but, Galore wasn't the one to leave her friends hanging behind. So, she would alternate between the two.
"Um... why're y'all so close ?" Galore asked looking between her two friends.
"Girl ! Tell us the tea !" Sulu exclaims removing her face from her friend's. Jayla does the same before walking towards Galore's dresser.
"About what ?" Galore asked with slight confusion.
"Don't be dumb.. you and Chris." Jay playfully rolls her eyes.
"Oh !" Galore realizes, "Y'all know we've been hangin' out and shit. Only like 5 time-"
"Within the last three weeks ?" Sulu questions then purses her lips, knowing that her friend was fibbing.
"Okay.. 7 times out of three weeks. We've been kickin' it at his crib foreal because I don't want the blogs to see us and assume you know ?" Galore mentions rubbing her thumb across the gel polish that sat nicely on her toes.
"Nah, we get it but, if you enjoy his company..you shouldn't allow for the media to have an effect on doin' more than just bein' at his house. You should be able to have more fun with him." Sulu nods.
"Just don't replace us with him." Jay mentions pointing the comb, that sat in her hand, at her companion. Since the three and the boys were going out for the night, she was in the midst of doing her hair into some loose curls.
"And won't.. y'all my bitches foreal but..." Galore trials off before turning her attention towards Sulani, "Enough 'bout me. Let's talk about you and Mr, McClain's third date . How the fuck did that go ? Because evidently you failed to text the groupchat afterwards..."
"Oh yeaaaah ! What the fuck happened bitch ? You ain't low !" Jayla eagerly exclaims as she puts her attention onto Sulani as well.
"Had a whole sleepover and she ain't say a word !" Galore instigates.
Sulani couldn't help but to blush at the sudden topic of her and Woody. Just like their friends, Woody and Sulani had been hanging out lately. Going on dates and just getting to know each other, while ducking the media.