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" Y/n are you done ? " Jungkook asked for the hundredth time as I hummed in response tapping my fingers on the keyboard, my eyes glued to the desktop screen.

He clicked his tongue and wheeled toward me with his swivel chair. It was past 11 pm on the clock. Violent wind was blowing outside with heavy thunder strokes.

The whole office was vacant. Even my game developer team left. It was just me and Jungkook present in this blank workstead. He was waiting for me to complete so that he could first drop me at my home and then leave for his.

I told him to leave already but he insisted on making sure I reach home safely first. After all he is concerned for his best friend and the treacherous atmosphere outside doesn't feel safe to leave by all alone.

" Y/n how many hours more " he mumbled, keeping his chin on the table. " just two more minutes Jungkook "

" you said that an hour ago " He whined, resting his forehead on the edge of the table. I chuckled typing the last word in the code and.. " done " I breathed out keeping both my palms down on the table.

Jungkook shot up his head. " we can leave now !" I got up from my seat and switched off the computer, taking out my pen drive.

" if you had taken a single second more.. I would have literally slept here " He mumbled resting his cheek back on the table sheepishly as I chuckled packing my stuff.

The weather outside was getting worse. As soon as we stepped out, a loud thunderbolt strunk in the sky. Fierce squall began whispering in the air, swaying the trees violently.

Jungkook told me to wait near the main door and went to bring his car from the parking lot. The rumbling of the sky was getting heavy and the night deeper and darker than I ever expected.

My shirt and pants were flailing. I tucked my hair locks behind my ear which were wafting with the breeze, running over my face as I looked toward the sky.

Abruptly, a mournful thunder shattered the dreary silence of the menacing night as an antlered lightning struck somewhere in the middle of pitch black clouds. The moon was nowhere to be seen hidden under the sheath of tar thick clouds.

My eyelash flickered as I got the first splatter of rain over my cheek as in no time it began pouring heavily. I brought my purse over my head and looked at the way for Jungkook to reach soon.

After a moment, I saw the headlights wheeling closer from a distance. Jungkook stopped his car infront of me as I hurriedly got inside and closed the door.

The rain drop thumped on the bonnet and the wind whistled along the curves of the car. The streets were empty, chilly and lonely, consumed by the sombre tears of the cloud.

Dapping a towel over my head which Jungkook handed me from his car, I looked at my wristwatch to find the second hand ticking round while the other two hands had come nearly to overlap at the 12.

It's the first time I am returning home this late, but it didn't matter. I do live with my husband, Jimin but still there's no one who would be waiting for me.

Leisurely, raindrops were slipping against the window as I slightly pulled it down. A gust of wind blew in, delivering the smell of raindrops on parched soil along with a little splatter of fresh drops.

It's been almost a year since we both got married. Jimin is Jungkook's brother and that's how we came to know each other.

At first when I met him, he is around few years elder to me, talkative and charming maybe that's also the reason why always loved admiring him. The feelings that I grew for him seemed just attraction until I realised it was something more than.

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