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" Jiminah~ " Y/n's voice called in again as Jungkook and I rushed to the corridor where she was.

Hair disleved, eyes squinted, cheeks blooming red and a little pout on her lips while, " lewve me, I have to go my jiminie " she slurred hugging the doorpost as Area tried to pull her inside the club.

It seemed as if she was drunk but I never even saw her touching  the beer glasses I used to leave at the table then what.. My forehead creased, unaware as my feets halted infront of her. 

" Y- " As soon as the word left my mouth her eyes lit up as she turned her face to me. " Jiminah! " She left the doorpost, walked to me with her unsteady legs and fell in my arms.

" Jiminah I missed uwu " She said, digging her head on my chest, hugging me so tight as she was trying to break in my ribcage and get inside.

Embarrassed, I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair as she calmed down. My heart was pounding with anxiety as an intoxicated smell arising from her mingled with my breath I inhaled in.

If I wasn't mistaken, it was indeed beer. Holding her little body close, I slowly lifted up my head, one eyebrow raised and they understood what exactly it meant.

Saehun, Mingyu hopped behind Aera, and sneak a look popping their head out, " we didn't do anything, they were the one fighting " Saehun said as Aera smiled awkwardly.

My pupils shifted toward Rang and Jungkook as I let out a sigh. " Jimin hyung we- " " Jiminaaahhh~ " All of a sudden Y/n spoke, breaking off Jungkook's words. 

Y/n held on to my collar and pulled it to stand straight as I quickly clasped her closer to me. " you know.. Jiminie you know.. " She garbled, shaking her head, having a cute seriousness on her face.

" they made me drink in thisssssss big baul " She said, opening her arm as her body inclined backwards. " this this jungkook bloody benchod "

My eyes widened " he again said girls can't do anything~ " She started fake crying putting her forehead on the centre of my chest, pulling the lapels of my suit to hide her rose red face. 

" benchod? isn't that the colossal titan from the attack on titan ? " Jungkook muttered to Rang as he was rubbing his chin in engrossment.

" ugh.. no no his name was butth*le or beretolto something " " no it was benchod " Jungkook shrieked making Rang scorn as he eyes him but they quickly stopped speaking,  noticing my glare on them.

My head was full of worries since Y/n is not a sort of drinker and they made her consume a whole bowl which might affect her health, even for a day.

Secondly the officials were here, do they even have a freaking idea of how it will affect their reputation if they behave such irresponsibly in their presence.

Their heads were already lowered knowing what mistake they might have made out of their amusement. I didn't want to make a fuss over her since the officials had already heard her. 

My one hand was at her waist while I held her hand on my lapel with my other hand. It was cold. At the moment taking care of Y/n was the only concern I had and her fake crying.

She seperated. " you know.. you know.. you know Jimin you know " She shook her head looking up at me, making me shake my head along.

" they saying girls no drink.. but you know you know.. I won " She smiled glimmeringly as I cupped her cheek with my one hand.

My heart felt weak watching her smile like that, since I never could have made her this way around me. how pretty is it.

" I won.. but this Rang, said Jungkook good, my legs not standing but he is in sense, so me bad drinker he said " Y/n said frowning as she placed her hand on mine which was on her cheek.

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