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⚠️ trigger warning, mention of sh, blood and suicide 

I hurriedly climbed the stairs when suddenly another sound of something shattering made me flinch as I stepped back with fear.

My watch was beeping loudly as I switched it off. I didn't know what awaited me behind the door and the sudden gruesome sounds of things breaking tried to push me away from the door.

Tears streamed down my cheek out of feeling scared as I hugged his coat close to my chest and took slow steps toward the door which was slightly opened.

My palm trembled as I wiped my eyes on my wrist and reached the door surface. I breathed in a deep breath and pushed it.

Silence. The room which was a moment ago was filled with complete silence. I peeked in my head and opened the door completely as the ominous sight welcomed me.

The bed was messed up having stains of blood. I clenched theThe blood covered bed sheet was lying on the floor along with the shattered fragments of glass, overturned furniture and more stains of blood all over the place.

Torn papers lying everywhere from his office table had the splatter of blood too. The sound of the rotating fan was the only thing I could hear as I grabbed the door frame and stepped a little back, unable to force my foot to cross the threshold.

The air seemed heavy with an unsettling tension within the four walls and Jimin not in my sight wasn't doing any good.

The blood stained curtains swayed with the breeze flowing in the room as I noticed the sliding glass door to the balcony was open.

I swallowed a breath stuck in my throat as cold sweat trickled down my temple. I left the door frame and hurried to the balcony as " Jimin no- " I blurted, watching him climb the railing of the balcony, the rain pouring over him. A loud lightening struck.

I rushed and wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him back with all my strength as we both fell down.

" let me go " Jimin weeped and tried to remove my arms but my grip was tighter. I hissed, feeling something pointy dug in my wrist when Jimin groaned as if he was in a lot of pain. " Jimin please.. " " let me go! " He screeched.

He moved his body trying to get off my hold, his shoulder shuddering along with every cry as I hugged him tightly, keeping my face on his back, eyes closed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

" Jimin please please please please.. " My body was trembling, my heart was about to burst as I tried to brush off the disturbing visions out of my sight that could have happened if I hadn't reached here on time. 

All of a sudden Jimin stopped his movements and sat. " let me go.. " He cried, throwing his head back as if his body completely turned weak. The rain couldn't reach us there, but a water pool was created around us from water dripping from his clothes.

I loosened my grip and sat there in the position until he cried his lungs out. After I while when the air got a little lighter, I left him and crawled to his front to face him.

" why.. why did you have to stop me.. why.. " He wiped his nose on his sleeve as I noticed how badly his hands were covered with blood and fragments of glasses struck in them which reflected the moonlight.

His clothes, face too had the stains all over so his forehead area which probable got stained when he tried to pull his area. The other wounded area, were self harmed. He looked no less than an walking corpse.

" l-let me go.. " He sniffed trying to get up when I went on my knees and grabbed his collar, making him sit back in his place. My vision blurred as another set of fresh tears filled them.

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