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Your pov

I woke up to the pitter patter cracking sound of the raindrops hitting the roof. I squinted my eyes as I tried to get up, but a warm weight on my lower body, had me bring my movements to halt.

I flutter opened my eyes and looked down. Jimin rested his head on my belly, his one hand on my waist as he slept soundly. His hair messed up, eyes red as he exhaled warm breath over my skin.

A toxic smell tickled my nose. It was the scent of alcohol coming from him. He must have confused the room under the influence of alcohol and came here so I shrugged it off.

I carefully slipped my body under him and stood up. I covered him with the duvet and left for my morning routine.

The murmuring of raindrops echoed in the kitchen as I tossed the pan cake in the pan humming a music. It has been raining since last night.

The weather was cool, calm and gloomy. I heard footsteps from the stairs which made me face toward it. Jimin buttoned up his sleeve as he climbed down the stairs.

His hair pushed back, leaving some hair strands fall over his forehead. His face was pale, eyes still red. He indeed cried last night as well.

He settled at the table as I served his plate. His cold eyes glanced at me for split seconds before he shifted them on the plate, starting to eat.

I thought of asking him something but I didn't want to annoy him in the early morning, so I shrugged it off. I picked up my purse from the counter and swung it over my shoulder, pacing toward the door.

" where are you going in this rain ? " Turning his body on the chair, he suddenly asked, bringing my steps to halt. " o- office " His voice was stern that made me stutter at my words.

" ..and how will you go ? " " I will take a taxi " I replied. " wait for me, I will drop you " He said, taking another bite of the pancakes.

" it's okay I can go by tax- " I choked at my words, feeling his strong gaze at me with one raised eyebrow. " okay " I mumbled.

As expected the ride was chilling silent. Jimin drove the car while I just sat like a dummy on the seat beside him.

I was still confused if I was hallucinating or if Jimin had offered me a ride for real. He never did that before, instead he used to leave earlier than me before.

Maybe something happened last night for which he must be in a good mood, so I didn't think much about it.

Somewhere I felt nice just sitting beside him and I couldn't help but to steal short glimpses of my husband, smiling unconsciously which didn't go unnoticed by him.

All of a sudden he turned and our eyes met for a split second, my heart definitely skipped a beat as I immediately looked away. I messed up.

Heat crawled up to my cheeks giving it a red shade as I clenched the purse on my lap. He just let out a slight chuckle mumbling " cute "

A moment later, it stopped raining and the car halted infront of my office. I took off the seat belt and grabbed my purse, walking out of it.

I was still fighting over whether I should tell him or not but all I could say was.. " thank you " " I'll also pick you up after work so no need to come with Jungkook " He said.

He was about to drive away but I stopped him. " Jimin.. I have to go somewhere after work today.. so no need to come here to pick me up "

Today was my mom's death anniversary and as every year I visit her favourite, red cherry blossom garden for remembrance. I wanted to say this to Jimin but I was scared of his cold eyes.

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