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Author's pov

Raindrops prickled over the puddle as the car wheels ran over it, splattering out the mud.

The shrill sound of the thunderbolt strikes was all Jimin could hear as he clenched his fist around the steering wheel and drove at the fastest speed possible.

His heart was beating a million times faster than the speed of the car. A raindrop slipped down the windshield and blurry vision of your tears falling, blinded his vision as he quickly stopped the car.

His breath heavy as he came back to reality. He did it again. When everything was going right, he did it again.

If he wants to move on then he needs to get over the attraction he still has for the things she gifted but he didn't. He slapped you.

Jimin looked at the broken watch in his hand and it reminded him of your tears. Anger, guilt, regret, in all he was again stuck in turmoil.

His heart was constricted the more he looked at the wrist watch, not because you broke it but he broke you, kicking you out in the heavy rain.

The weather outside is spine breaking. He was worried. You must be cold, drenched in rain since you didn't even have an umbrella. His heart sank just at the thought.

A lightning struck in the air which did nothing but increase Jimin's worry for you. He regretted doing it. He looked at the watch again. It was all because of it.

He clenched his fist tight until some broken glass pieces pierced through his palm as he punched and kicked the steering wheel. He opened his palm and saw blood over it.

Jimin thought he deserved it, for what he did and he indeed did. He opened the window and threw the watch outside and quickly drove for you.

A moment later he reached the spot where he left you, but you were nowhere to be seen. He stepped out of his car with the umbrella.

His heart beats were dropping, as he trepidatiously looked for you, running around the street, but there was no sign of you.

His heart was sinking as he pushed his hair back. His eyebrows creased and his instincts were haunting him. where are you Y/n ?

All of a sudden, he foot came to halt as something caught his sight. He looked across the road and saw you sitting on the bench of the bus stand. A deep exhale left his mouth and his heart finally came to peace.

Your pov

The little roof of the bus stop danced with rain drops as I sat lonely on the bench, completely soaked in rain. My body shivered as the rain drops slipped from my hair over my face.

My head hung low as I looked at my hand, my fingers clenched together into fist as constant chill swept down my spine.

All of a sudden, I heard someone's footsteps coming closer toward him. I lifted up my head and saw Jimin standing infront of me.

I blinked my eyes as a raindrop hit my lashes and slipped down my cheek. He put out his hand. " Y/n , let's go home " He breathed out as his chest heaved.

I ignored him and looked down. " I don't want to Jimin " He let out a tsk. " you are completely drenched " He said as I again ignored his words.

A cold breeze blew against me, giving goosebumps as I hugged my little body. " stop being stubborn Y/n , it could be dangerous being out at this time.. let's go home " He held my arm as I immediately yanked it.

I raised up my head and fixed my eyes with his. " you kicked me out of the car, do you remember ? " " ..you asked me to die then why do you care.. " my voice cracked as I tried my best to hold my tears in the bay.

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