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Author's pov

After leaving the house, Jimin got inside his car and drove away. Roaring thunder bolts struck in the air as it again started raining heavily. A buzzing sound echoed in the silent streets with every splatter of rain.

He turned the steering wheel and drove at the fastest speed possible along the lonely drenched streets. He didn't know where the wheels lead him but he still drove.

A moment later, in the middle of a road, Jimin pulled the brakes as the car came to a halt with a jerk. He frustratedly ran my fingers through his hair and punched the steering wheel.

He didn't know what was happening to him but he was angry, angry at himself. Angry for what he did. Angry for what he said. Angry for running away after it.

He threw his head back on the seat. Guilt and rage was all he felt at the moment. Jimin knows he has made a mistake.

He knows he has hurted you and he regrets it but nothing he could do, for he doesn't even know why he behaved like that. He punched the steering wheel continuously until he burnished his knuckles.

He looked at his trembling fingers breathing heavily as he slapped himself. Again and again until blood rushed to his cheeks and ears turning them bright sanguine.

He was in turmoil and there was only one person whom he trusted that could help him.

Rain droplets skimmed down his knuckles along with the blood as he knocked on the wooden door. Seconds later, the door opened revealing a middle aged woman. It was Jimin's mother.

The smile on her wrinkled lips faded as she saw her son's condition. He gave a quick glance to her and without speaking a word, he walked to the kitchen.

" hey hyung, what are you doing here? " Jungkook asked, taking a sip from the soju bottle, leaning on the kitchen counter. Jimin completely ignored his words and walked past him, opened the fridge and took out a bottle of alcohol, running his fingers through his wet locks.

His mom closed the door and followed him. He sat down on the chair pouring it in the glass. " I think you are the only person on the planet who comes home to drink instead of going to a bar " Jungkook giggled while taking another sip of his drink as he walked toward him.

Jimin kept down the bottle as his cold eyes turned into a glare, raising one of his eyebrows which caused Jungkook to choke on his drink. " I-I'll go to my room " he left.

The sudden appearance of his son late at night, made her worried until she noticed the blood on his knuckles and red puffy face. It was tol much for her little old heart to bear.

She went and stood infront of him. " what happened Jimin? " " I don't want to talk about it mom " He stated, taking a sip from his glass.

His mom sighed. " you got into a fight ? " Jimin ignored and took a sip. " or- it's again Y/n, right ? " She said, stopping Jimin's hand in the mid air. Her forehead wrinkled.

Moms knows everything after all but his lips didn't have the skin to slip a word to her about what he did to you back home. He never could, no matter how much regret festered his flesh inside.

He placed the glass back on the table. " now honestly tell me Jimin what did you do this time? " She asked with a stern voice which made Jimin let out a deep sigh.

" I again shouted at her for nothing and again I am not feeling good about it.. now what " he replied.

Jimin frustratedly gripped the glass as the memories from earlier knocked his mind, making him look vulnerable.

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