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Removing my chopsticks I slurped the noodle having it's sauce stick on my lips. My lips forming a pout, cheeks looking swollen with the ramen stuffed in them and I began to chew.

All of a sudden a pair of wooden chopsticks held my cheeks, halting my actions. I heard Jimin chuckling and turned my head toward him.

He bursted into laughter looking at me as I confusingly stared at him." yah.. why are you eating so fast huh ? " He asked, squeezing my cheeks with the chopsticks.

" if you were this hungry you should have taken your lunch at school " He removed his sticks from my cheeks.

Embarrassed, my cheeks began to catch a shade of red again as I hid my mouth with my palm and quickly chewed everything. He said as if his own cheeks aren't are like steamed dumplings always.

" and you know that mom is not going to reach here any sooner than the time told him so eat slowly " Jimin placed his bowl on the wooden bench and stood up, walking to the food truck.

The little tarpaulin roof of the food truck danced with the rain pouring down the night sky, crashing on them spreading a murmuring noise in the background.

I took another slurp of the ramen watching the rain drops pruckle in the muddy puddles because that was all I could do being stuck in the rain.

I heard the bench budge and felt something on my cheeks. " you eat like a toddler, " Jimin smiled, wiping the corner of my lips with the tissue.

He threw it away and placed two bottles of soju on the bench and picked up his bowl.

He wasn't slurping, he was literally inhaling the noodles in one breath taking a sip of his soju in between as I chewed the noodles like a cow grazing grass while the bowl was up at my lips level.

I stole little glimpses, already feeling full watching him happily eat like that, my heart felt full.

Green bottles rolled, some on the ground and some were on the bench on which he was sitting, spreading his legs on both sides as I stared at them, slowly moving my eyes up to Jimin.

His Adam's apple went through convulsions as he gulped down the soju bottle like water.

My jaw hung watching the man almost lose his balance on the bench as I got up but he immediately came in form and bashed the last bottle on the bench making me sit down back flinching.

Jimin's messy hair swayed, face puckered as he shook his head feeling the drink burn his throat. He looked up and picked up the left out glass of soju which was the last and quickly gulped it down in one shot.

He smiled like a manic devouring its taste with closed eyes having the glass between his lips but it didn't last. As soon as it was over his expression changed to sulky one.

Jimin separated the glass from its lips and pouted looking at it. " thish iz over too but I whant more " He pouted.

His long locks reaching falling over his forehead making him look effortlessly cute. " ahjusshiiiiiiii " He suddenly got up and walked to the counter with the glass cupped at the fingertips of both his hand.

He already quaffed six bottles of soju. I can't let him drink one more or else he does has the capacity to drink the whole shop.

Hurriedly I wore my backpack over my chest, collected the bowls and went to him. The cook ahjusshi was busy doing something that only his broad back was at our display.

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