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" an naemyeon sullae gawi bawi bo.. gawi bawi bo.. gawi bawi bo " And there Jungkook pulled a paper while Jimin and I, scissors. " yeah!!! "

Jimin and I jumped and opened our arms to hug each other until I perceived and quickly turned to the other side leaving Jimin dumbfounded, clapping my hands.

Jungkook groaned dramatically holding his paper wrist with his other hand and fell on the ground, acting.

" that's it.. Y/n and I'll play the racing game and you.. " Jimin took out some money and threw it on Jungkook's face. " buy something for us to eat " Jimin said as he sat down in the driver's seat, I mean the gaming chair.

All around the arcade, Jungkook was the one who decided to play the racing vr game because duffer loves driving but got no licence, so just to satisfy his soul. However, now he is the one who lost in gawi bawi bo.

I chuckled at the bothers interaction as Jungkook grabbed the money in fist and got up. " why would I? I want to play the game! and Y/n doesn't even know how to play the game then why she- "

" yah! are you being sexist now ? " Jimin said, slapping Jungkook's arm, stretching his arm from the chair. " no, I am just saying she knows nothing about game so I don't want her to play "

Jungkook was right, this was the third time for me to try this game so I really had a little knowledge about it. And also being a vr one, it's hard for me to control the system without seeing them infront of me.

" stop being a crybaby now, can't even win a rock paper scissors against her and says she can't play " " ..but hyung.. "

" shut your duck mouth and go bring me snacks " Jimin said, wearing the vr headset. " but.. " " it's fine Mr. Park.. Jungkook you take my place then " I said as his face glimmered up and he jumped on me, taking me in his embrace.

" you proved it Y/n you are my bestest best friend in the whole world " He said, kissing my shoulder as I awkwardly smiled.

Jimin took off his vr headset and stood up. " ugh seriously if it's like this then, Y/n.. " He pulled me as Jungkook broke the hug.

" you play the game, and Jungkook you play instead of me " " that's too fine to me " Jungkook shrugged. He cared the least and he hopped on the seat.

" but Mr.. " " shush.. " He placed his finger on my lips. " just play, I am fine with it " Jimin smiled as our eyes met for a moment, and my heart knocked at my ribs, taking me out of sense.

He removed his finger as I turned my head, hiding my face before it caught a crimson shade and went to my seat.

Taking a deep breath I held the mock steering wheel as one.. two.. the timer beeped and my clutch became tighter, three.. it started. " woowho " Jungkook screamed like a maniac making me winch and my hands wavered.

Blue rays entering my eyes, felt so realistic and the chair being tremendously coded to the game that I could actually feel the tiniest seizure.

I don't know what the fuck was I even doing and my car got stuck. " yess my baby!! " Jungkook screamed, kicking his feet on the machine as much as I could hear.

I clicked my tongue.. " tsk.. " My vehicle refused to move an inch, being stuck at an obstacle as I blindly hit every damn button my fingers stumbled on.

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