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Puddles plinked with rain drops falling on it. The little roof top of the bus stand danced with spray as I stood lonely under it, watching the little puddle fill infront of me.

I put out my hand, catching the slow rain drops as a heavy sigh left my mouth. It has started to rain again. I missed my bus home and was waiting for the next bus to arrive but it was taking too long.

My shoulders had already given up holding the heavy load on my back as I gave a hitch to my bag strap." Y/n .. " A familiar voice fell in my ears which made me lift my head and look at my front.

The same unknown feeling fluttered my heart as I saw Jimin standing across the road, in a blazer as if he was young for something like those from kdrama. His one palm was over his head while he waved the other at me.

Perhaps I was hallucinating since why would he be here, that too in a blazer. I chuckled and was about to look away when, the signal turned red and without wasting a moment, he hurried toward me. 

Breathing heavily, he stood pretty close beside me. He brushed out the rain drops from the sleeves of his coat with his hand. I didn't even realise I had been staring at him until a car passed by blowing the horn.

" why are you still here ? didn't your school get over already ? It's not safe to be alone at this hour with this weather " He said, probably looking at my school uniform.

" I actually go by bus.. but I missed it today " " aish.. and that moron Jungkook also, he is playing video games at home.. the weather is not good.. he should safely drop you home first and then come home.. doesn't he have any responsibility toward his best friend " He frustratedly said.

" He offered me a ride but I had to go to the book store so I denied him " I said. 

Jimin's wet locks were rattling over his forehead as he ran his fingers through it, pushing it back and his forehead exposed. He was so effortlessly attractive that I couldn't help but blush looking at him as my heart skipped beats.

" my football team won today's final.. so the caption threw a party.. I was just not having it so I left " He suddenly said, snapping out of my thoughts. " ..I noticed you standing alone so I came here " He explained.

" but Y/n , how are you planning to go home? " He gave a hitch to his coat, which was almost drenched in water. " I'll take the next bus " I said, making him sigh.

" it's already very late.. " He put out his hand, catching the little rain droplets in his palm. " ..and are you looking at the weather ? there is no bus during this time " 

I should have reached home by now. I haven't informed mom yet, she must be surely concerned for me.

My face turned pale at Jimin's words and he didn't miss it " don't worry Y/n .. I'll drop you home " He said as if he could read my mind.

" but how " " I called my mom to pick me up.. she would be here anytime " He informed me.

I felt a little relieved and glad that Jimin was here, who informed me or I would have been just uselessly waiting here for the bus. 

All of a sudden, my stomach made a big growl. I skipped my lunch and now I was highly craving for food. Jimin indeed heard it as I heard him chuckle slightly.

I turned to him and found him smiling while looking at the road. I crossed my hands around my tummy. " you again skipped your lunch break doing your assignment, didn't you ? " He said. 

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