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Spoon and fork clicking against the ceramic plate was all we could hear among the quiet laughter and conversation among the higher officials.

Atmosphere inside the restaurant was cosy and calm. The lights were dim with the furniture and huge paintings on walls holding the umber aesthetics with vintage, rustic aura.

I lifted up my fork and took a bite when I felt Jungkook nudging me. " ughhh.. I am done now.. how long will this continue ? " he whined like a child making a pout as, " shush.. behave " " hmph.. " Jungkook chewed on the meat, turning his face away from me, mad.

Heaving out a sigh I shook my head and carried on with my meal, when my eyes caught Jimin. He was sitting right infront of me staring at me with a blank face when our eyes met for a split second he shifted them.

" ..and that's how we had this thought of collaboration " The ceo of webtoon chuckled, taking a shot of his soju.

Abruptly, he turned toward us and the sulky clouds enveloping my whole developer team didn't go neglected by him.

Rang was already yawning with a fork on his lips. " I guess the young bloods are turning cold here.. " He started making all of us look at him.

" there's a night club in the restaurant walking from that door " He gestured with his expression as we turned.

" till we complete the discussion, why don't you all go and have some fun?.. your director nim told me what kind of work freak you are all.. enjoy your time, give your brains some rest, hmph ?" That was probably the brightest grin he expressed.

We looked at each other putting down our spoon and fork. Hesitatingly, we looked at our director nim as if asking for permission.

" why are you all gawking at me like that ?.. go on have some fun " As soon as Director nim finished, Rang was the one to stand up first.

He eyed us as one by one everyone stood up and pushed their chairs expect me. My eyes were on Jimin as I was asking for his permission too but empty.

His face refused to show expression, eyes silent as Jungkook held my arm, " stand up.. " he pulled, making me stand. All of them bowed and left already while I was trying to figure out the grip of his pupils on me.

I don't know, somewhere I felt strange when he showed a void expression but refused to break eye contact with me, as if he didn't want me to leave. Memories of that day recollected in the back of my mind, but why ?

Jungkook pulled me with a jerk as Jimin let out a sigh and gulped his soju looking nowhere else. " excuse us " Jungkook bowed for me, pulling me to the door.

Heavy music beats were vibrating the walls inside, along with the hooting and screaming of the crowd, who knew the atmosphere just a few doors away could be so drastic.

Covering both my ears with my palm, I stepped in as Jungkook dialled his phone to our team member.

Aura of the club usually makes me suffocate. The smell of intoxicating drinks, sweaty bodies colliding against each other, heavy smell of erotic perfumes, the shortage of air, the intensity and intimacy among some, the large crowd itself makes me want to collapse.

Gladly this one being a part of a sumptuous restaurant, it didn't really have a big crowd. Jungkook spotted someone and pulled me to the corner, where my team was.

My ear drums would have probably bursted out of my ears if I had stood there any longer but what a relief, they chose the perfect spot, chill out room.

Removing the curtains we stepped in to find them already seated on the leather couches. The drinks are flowing across the tables as Rang picks up another bottle of alcohol. We sat down infront of him,

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