run girl run

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(Put on the music)

"Jasmin, stop!" she heard Miguel's voice screaming through the hall.
She didn't care. She didn't care about him. She just wanted to get out of here. Get out of HQ. Jasmin ran away from him without turning around even once.
"Grab her!" it sounded again and suddenly the members of the Spider-Society stormed towards her from all sides.
"Well, that will be fun," she thought to herself and observed the situation. She stood at the end of a corridor that led out. She saw about 50 Spider-members hanging in front of her and blocking the way. She looked down at the abyss. Here, too, the path was blocked. There were spider members all around her. She was surrounded. A look to the left. A look to the right. No passage.

Or is there?

(Imagine yourself being Miles and run away from everybody. You can watch it at the beginning, now in between or at the end to get a picture in your head)

She was small and agile. A mischievous grin spread on her face.


She pushed herself off the ground with full force and rushed headfirst into the depths of the building. Everyone was after her. She meandered through the people quickly. Spider-members stormed towards her from all sides, but they didn't get her. Cobwebs were shot at her, but she was able to skillfully escape them. She ran out of the building into the green field.
Suddenly she saw a well-known figure rushing past her.
„Gwen!" Jasmin screamed.
„Keep running! Hobie, Miles and I distract them from you!" She swung back again.
A quick look back told her that hundreds of members were following her. But there was no time for that. She had to concentrate on herself.
Jasmin kept running as fast as she could. But suddenly she arrived at the other end of the site and stood in front of the next building.
„Shit!" she said to herself. She turned around. Hobie, Gwen and Miles tried countless Spider-Man's to stop them from grabbing her. Jasmin looked in all directions. Shit! She couldn't go anywhere.
Suddenly she felt a cobweb on her left arm. But before she could react, she was carried away and now hung on the thread in the air. Frightened, she followed the web to see who had caught her. Brown hair... and a... Hairband! It was Pavitr!
„I'm sorry, Jasmin. But there was no other way to save you," he screamed through the wind that whipped her in the face. He pulled her over all the others back to the other side of the site.
He lets Jasmin fall down a little rudely on the floor and then went back to Gwen and the others.
„Jasmin," sounded a dark and rough voice. This voice could not belong to anyone less than Miguel. She looked up frightened and looked into his furious face. The eyes tightly shaped into slits and the eyebrows tightened, he stared at her.

„Stop running away!" He took big steps towards her

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„Stop running away!" He took big steps towards her. His large upper body covered the sun from her and breathed Jasmin into the shade. Because of self-protection, she took a few steps back.
"You interrupted a Canon event!" he shouted.
„How should I know?!" she screamed back, „it wasn't my intention!"
„It wasn't your intention?" he laughs mockingly for a moment. „Then why are you running away? You know that means exclusion from the Spider-Society."
Miguel reaches for her arm where the clock is located with which she can travel through the multiverses. With her eyes wide open, she tries to pull him away, but he was faster. She pulls her arm so hard as she can only reach her body and tries to get rid of Miguel with the other hand. But he is far too strong. His fingers cling like the teeth of a predator around her wrist and lace it in. A pain runs through her whole body and she warps her face.
„Let go of me!" she gasps.
"Not with this watch!" He continues to drag on it, but Jasmin defends herself with all her strength. "Give it to me!"
Both turping on their arm. Suddenly, with a force, an object hits Miguel from the side and hurls him meters away. The pressure was so great that Jasmin was torn to the ground.

„Ugh, I hate him. Is everything okay?" a rough voice asked. She looked up and stared directly into Hobie's dark brown eyes. His cartoon existence looked magical in the sunshine. She stood up.
"Yeah, so far," she replied, a little taken off guard.
"Come on, then. We don't have much time." Hobie Brown opened a portal just a feet away from them both.
"Take my hand," he spoke, handing it to her.
Just as Jasmin extended her left arm she noticed that her watch was missing.
"My watch!" she said in horror, staring at her empty wrist.
"What?" said Hobie, confused.
"My portal watch! It's gone!" She turned and searched her surroundings for it.
"Forget about that watch! You don't have much time left!" A loud bang made Hobie turn around and look in its direction. He saw about a hundred Spider-Members storming angrily towards them.
"Jasmin! Forget that stupid watch and take my hand!" he yelled again. This time with more pressure.
"No, I have to find it!" Hysterically, she searched for it. "Or else- *she glitches* -I'll glitch..."
Impatiently, Hobie looked back and forth between the histerical Jasmin and the angry Spider-members.
"Leave it!", he said again explicitly. But she still paid no attention to him. He was getting more and more fidgety. The members came closer and closer. Like a horde of wildebeest, overrunning everything.
30 meters. 25 meters. 20 meters.
Hobie began to panic.
"Grab my hand already!" he yelled one last time as loud as he could. Jasmin sped around and saw the horde rushing towards her.
15 meters. 10 meters. 5 meters.
At the last second, she grabbed his hand and he pulled her into the portal. They both disappeared in a colorful roller coaster ride. Jasmin glitched a few times until she landed on hard ground....

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