In between cocktails and music

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(Turn on the Music at the beginning. It's background music)

Jasmin and Hobie sat down at the bar. While Jasmin ordered a cocktail, Hobie chose an Irish whiskey. The bar was spacious and well filled with people their age. At the end of the room was a small stage with a drum set, a piano and three electric guitars. There was a boisterous atmosphere in the bar and Jasmin immediately felt a little better.
"So, you feel a little better?" He put on his mischievous smile again.
"Yes," Jasmin replied, "Thank you Hobie for bringing me here. It's really good to be here with you." She smiled warmly and Hobie's heart leapt.
"It's better this way. Ya should have a great time today." He winked at her and took a sip of his whiskey.
Her stomach churned again and her heart began to pound. Oh man, what is he doing to her...?
They talked about everything. What they were doing at home, what their future plans were, and about precious childhood memories.
"When I was a kid, I really wanted to have five kids!" said Hobie, loosening up.
Both were slightly drunk, and the mood was not at all tense.
"Five kids?!" Jasmin's eyes widened and she started to laugh. "You and kids?"
"Hey, I'm really good with kids," he protested. "But today I wanna have a maximum of 3. I wasn't as cool then as I am now," he laughed and took another sip.
Jasmin had to giggle.
"You're always cool," she said, smiling at him.
"That smile makes me hot though," he replied, looking at her with a grin. Her eyes snapped open.
Wow, she realized. This was unexpected, but the butterflies in her stomach made a mess of things.
She smiled at him, not knowing what to say.
Suddenly, he took her hand, bent slightly and gave her a hand kiss. Still in the bent position, he looked up at her. Her stomach tingled more than ever at the sight.
"What an honor to spend the evening with such a beautiful woman as you..." he grinned at her. "And who knows... maybe the night too." He raised an eyebrow.
"How naughty," she whispered, but Jasmin couldn't help smiling.
Hobie sat up straight again, a look of victory on his face.
They sat at the bar until the song ended, when Hobie suddenly stood up.

(„Am I dreaming" zu Ende hören)

Astonished, she turned and followed Hobie's gaze. He walked over to the stage with the instruments. He caught not only her attention, but everyone else's as well. He walks up to the stage confidently, set up a microphone, grabbed an electric guitar and wrapped it around himself. He stepped forward and gripped the microphone with his hands. He was totally in his element.

There he was.
The Rocker.
The Punk.
Hobie Brown.

"Hey everybody." His dark voice echoed through the speakers around the room.
"I know I'm not supposed to do this, but rules ain't my thing." Whistles and cheers filled the room.
What is he doing?
"But Imma do this for a very special reason. I'm doing this for a very special person." He looked over at Jasmin and pointed at her. Everyone turned and cheered. A little awkwardly, she sat in the chair and just stared at Hobie.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, but he just smiled.
"I'm not good at talking about it, but I'm good at writing songs." He paused for a moment.
"For that hot girl sitting over there. Jasmin."

(Imagine Hobie singing this song for you).

When he finished the song, the crowd went wild. They cheered and clapped and whistled. Two people standing next to Jasmin lifted her from the chair and gently pushed her to the front of the stage. To thunderous applause, she walked forward to Hobie, who looked at her intently. With a smile on her face, she shook her head slightly.
"So how did you like it?" He grinned at her.
"Talking so naughty again," she teased, grinning at him.
"I knew you'd like it," he said, biting his lower lip. He felt lust building inside him. The crowd still loved his performance and didn't stop cheering. Hobie put down the guitar and jumped down from the stage to Jasmin. He hugged her.
"Oh, man. If you only knew what I'd do to you right now," he whispered mysteriously in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She looked at him with her eyes wide open, her mouth open and her head flushed. She had to grin.
"You're impossible," she teased him.
"No," he replied, taking her by the shoulder and walking towards the exit. "I'm crazy about you."

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